Convert a string url to hyperlink


Viewed 1,263 times


Works for several links but if I put the same 2x link in the string does not work as do?

function MontarLink($texto)
       if (!is_string ($texto))
           return $texto;

    $er = "/(https:\/\/(www\.|.*?\/)?|http:\/\/(www\.|.*?\/)?|www\.)([a-zA-Z0-9]+|_|-)+(\.(([0-9a-zA-Z]|-|_|\/|\?|=|&)+))+/i";

    preg_match_all ($er, $texto, $match);

    foreach ($match[0] as $link)

        //coloca o 'http://' caso o link não o possua
        $link_completo = (stristr($link, "http") === false) ? "http://" . $link : $link;

        $link_len = strlen ($link);

        //troca "&" por "&", tornando o link válido pela W3C
       $web_link = str_replace ("&", "&", $link_completo);
       $texto = str_ireplace ($link, "<a href=\"" . strtolower($web_link) . "\" target=\"_blank\">". (($link_len > 60) ? substr ($web_link, 0, 25). "...". substr ($web_link, -15) : $web_link) ."</a>", $texto);


    return $texto;


echo MontarLink("ola mundo"); // ESSE FUNCIONA!!!
echo "<br><br>";
echo MontarLink("ola mundo outro site "); // ESSE FUNCIONA!!!
echo "<br><br>";
echo MontarLink("ola mundo mesmo site"); // NÃO FUNCIONA!!!
  • 1

    COTD: //troca "&" por "&", tornando o link válido pela W3C

  • @bfavaretto Poxa... I’m talking about the same string guys... echo Montarlink("ola mundo --- second site third site");

  • It actually seems to be working yes:

  • 2

    @bfavaretto guy looks that sinister!!! I found the error.. the error is if it is 2 links equal!!! I put here 2 different links and it worked.. but with 2 equal links he of the stick... for it will be?

  • I made some edits in the code to facilitate... see at the end the 3 echo.

  • Mark one of the answers as accepted. Your problem today may be someone’s tomorrow and have an answer marked as accepted help in the decision.

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2 answers


The problem is that when you find the first occurrence, you’re replacing them all, then you get the second repeated occurrence and you have them replaced again, and you go into a chain reaction, messing everything up...

Use the function preg_replace_callback:

function MontarLink($texto)
       if (!is_string ($texto))
           return $texto;

    $er = "/(https:\/\/(www\.|.*?\/)?|http:\/\/(www\.|.*?\/)?|www\.)([a-zA-Z0-9]+|_|-)+(\.(([0-9a-zA-Z]|-|_|\/|\?|=|&)+))+/i";

    $texto = preg_replace_callback($er, function($match){
        $link = $match[0];

        //coloca o 'http://' caso o link não o possua
        $link = (stristr($link, "http") === false) ? "http://" . $link : $link;

        //troca "&" por "&", tornando o link válido pela W3C
        $link = str_replace ("&", "&amp;", $link);

        return "<a href=\"" . strtolower($link) . "\" target=\"_blank\">". ((strlen($link) > 60) ? substr ($link, 0, 25). "...". substr ($link, -15) : $link) ."</a>";

    return $texto;


echo MontarLink("ola mundo"); // ESSE FUNCIONA!!!
echo "<br><br>";
echo MontarLink("ola mundo outro site "); // ESSE FUNCIONA!!!
echo "<br><br>";
echo MontarLink("ola mundo mesmo site"); // ESSE FUNCIONA!!!
  • thanks!! now yes it’s top!!!


I did some digging and found that answer in Stack Overflow which in addition to solving your text-to-link problem still takes into account various particularities of a URL and even covers links of the type mailto, if anyone still uses them.

The original answer had some silly misconceptions which I fixed and will be making available here:

function makeClickableLinks( $text ) {

    $text = ' ' . html_entity_decode( $text );

    // Full-formed links

    $text = preg_replace(


        '<a href="\\1" target=_blank>\\1</a>',


    // Links without scheme prefix (i.e. http://)

    $text = preg_replace(


        '\\1<a href="http://\\2" target=_blank>\\2</a>',


    // E-mail links (mailto)

    $text = preg_replace(


        '<a href="mailto:\\1" target=_blank>\\1</a>',


    return $text;

You can use it the same way you’ve been using it:

// Link com prefixo http:// e um mailto:

echo makeClickableLinks('

    This is a test clickable link:  You can also try using an email address like'
), '<br />';

// Links sem o prefixo http://

echo makeClickableLinks( '' ), '<br />';

// Mais de um link no mesmo texto

echo makeClickableLinks(

    'ola mundo outro site'
), '<br />';

// Dois links iguais

echo makeClickableLinks(

    'ola mundo mesmo site'
), '<br />';
  • Perfect!! Vlw!!

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