C++ - How to create a window in windows


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I’m starting to program for windows using c++ and the Devc++ program. How do I create a common window?

  • On the MS website, you have a tutorial on how to create and manage C++ windows using the Windows API (machine translation): https://docs.microsoft.com/pt-br/cpp/windows/walkthrough-creating-windows-desktop-applications-cpp

  • 2

    I recommend not using Devc++ because your project has been abandoned for some time, I recommend using the visual studio community https://www.visualstudio.com/pt-br/vs/community/ (This version is free) which in my opinion is the best IDE for C/C++ in the world, or use viusal studio code that is cross-platform https://code.visualstudio.com/ and is lighter (Less than 100MB), but will need to use an external compiler such as GCC or G++ (Mingw and Cygwin are examples).

3 answers


You can follow this tutorial using Windows API but not recommended as it is limited, the ideal would be to use Qt as it is cross-platform, has many features for window creation including a visual editor, has support for Opengl, Directx and Vulkan, yet it uses Windows API (If the target platform is windows of course).

Here is an example of the main window of my program using Qt and its visual editor:

inserir a descrição da imagem aqui


In C++ you do not have a native window Toolkit. Each vendor has one, and has some free ones. You can try Qt which is well diffused.

  • I would like to know why the negative vote (to know even what is wrong)


I recommend researching about QT, which is a cross-platform framework for developing C++ graphical interfaces. With it you can make programs that work on both Windows and Linux and Macos. If you want to learn about QT, there are several tutorials on the internet, on various forums or even by Stackoverflow in the tag "QT".

Also check out the official QT website (https://www.qt.io/) and see all its possibilities.

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