Sum 02 fields of the fields coming from BD Mysql


Viewed 31 times


How do I, the user enter the values in 02 fields the result of this sum automatically appear in the Final Value field[]? These fields are coming from the database.

while($peListar = mysqli_fetch_object($sqlListar){
    $listar .= "<td style='".$fundo."'><input type='text' name='ValorI[]'  class='md-form-control'  value=''></td>";
    $listar .= "<td style='".$fundo."'><input type='text' name='ValorII[]' class='md-form-control' value=''></td>";
    $listar .= "<td style='".$fundo."'><input type='text' name='ValorFinal[]' class='md-form-control' value=''></td>";

1 answer


You can do it this way by selecting the input where the values are being entered, searching and summing the values of the first two inputs:

// input com name iniciado por "ValorI", ou seja,
// vai pegar tanto o "ValorI" quanto o "ValorII"
$("[name^='ValorI']").on("input", function(){
   var parent = $(this).closest("tr"); // seleciona a linha TR
   // converto os valores em número. Se for vazio, assume 0
   var valor1 = parseFloat($("[name='ValorI[]']", parent).val()) || 0;
   var valor2 = parseFloat($("[name='ValorII[]']", parent).val()) || 0;
   // insiro a soma no campo "ValorFinal[]" da respectiva linha
   $("[name='ValorFinal[]']", parent).val(valor1+valor2);
<script src=""></script>
<table border="1">
      <td><input type='text' name='ValorI[]'  class='md-form-control'  value=''></td>
      <td><input type='text' name='ValorII[]' class='md-form-control' value=''></td>
      <td><input type='text' name='ValorFinal[]' class='md-form-control' value=''></td>
      <td><input type='text' name='ValorI[]'  class='md-form-control'  value=''></td>
      <td><input type='text' name='ValorII[]' class='md-form-control' value=''></td>
      <td><input type='text' name='ValorFinal[]' class='md-form-control' value=''></td>
      <td><input type='text' name='ValorI[]'  class='md-form-control'  value=''></td>
      <td><input type='text' name='ValorII[]' class='md-form-control' value=''></td>
      <td><input type='text' name='ValorFinal[]' class='md-form-control' value=''></td>

  • Hello dvd, it worked the way it went, but forgive me, I forgot to mention a detail. The total value of the sum will be divided by 2 I put it as follows: (value1+value2)/2, but he only calculated the first field.

  • 1

    Put it like this: $("[name='ValorFinal[]']", parent).val((valor1+valor2)/2); the result will be, for example: valor1 = 100 + valor2 = 60, summing up = 160, divided by 2, outworking = 80.

  • 1

    Sorry again dvd, it worked yes. It was a mistake of mine here. Thank you

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