List selected checkbox


Viewed 30 times


I have a question regarding a function, how do I present the selected values of the checkbox and combobox in real time? For example, if I select option 1 of the combobox and a checkbox option the two appear in list format.


List Option 01 - Combobox Option 01 - Checkbox

1 answer


You can do this using Javascript. Create a function that will be executed whenever you change the value, in the function you can write to the console using console.log() or put in an Alert() or still write to html $("#div"). innerHtml(). It would look something similar to this:

<script> $(document).ready(function(){ $('#combo').on('change', function (e) { var opcaoSelecionada = $("option:selected", this); var valueSelected = this.value; alert(valueSelected); }); }); </script>

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