SQL Server - count records by combination


Viewed 231 times


I am needing to make a query in sql server so that it identifies to me when combinations 1,2 and 3 or 2 and 3 of the "desc" column are present for repeated values of the "Cod" column the result should be returned as 1 for found and 0 not found. Does anyone know how to do this consultation? Thank you.

inserir a descrição da imagem aqui

  • It was not very clear, you want to return a search where the desc is equal to id?

  • No, the "id" is the answer just look at the columns "Cod" and "desc" when the letters are repeated in "Cod" I want to check if within the repetitions there are the combinations mentioned. In example B repeats and has combination 1,2 and 3 in column "desc", C has combination 2 and 3 and finally H has combination 1,2 and 3. Thank you

  • Trying to explain more clearly, I want every time you have a repetition of the letters in the "Cod" column to be checked in the "desc" column as if the numbers 1 and 2 and 3 no matter the order is contained within the repetitions this also applies to the combination 2 and 3 no matter the order. Thank you.

1 answer


You can use a query to analyze the combinations using STUFF, see this link: https://sqlperformance.com/2014/08/t-sql-queries/sql-server-grouped-concatenation

And from this query, analyze the combined values to resume the id with CASE.
The query will look like this:

WITH combinado (cod, descr) 
     AS (SELECT cod, 
                -- combina os valores 1,2 e 3, agrupado por cod
                Stuff((SELECT ', ' + Cast(descr AS CHAR(1)) 
                       FROM   teste AS t2 
                       WHERE  t2.cod = t.cod 
                       ORDER  BY descr 
                       FOR xml path(N'')), 1, 2, N'') AS descr 
         FROM   teste t) 
SELECT cod, 
       CASE descr 
         WHEN '1, 2, 3' THEN 1 
         WHEN '2, 3' THEN 1 
         ELSE 0 
       END AS ID 
FROM   combinado 

See an example working here fiddle: http://sqlfiddle.com/#! 18/da106/15

  • Thank you very much colleague helped a lot. abs

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