Can I create a counter variable in Thymeleaf? I need an incremental variable to pass as a tag ID in HTML. I have the following loops, where each loop will be iterated x different times, so I can’t use the index of any loops to define the id of the tags that should be sequential (value0, value1, value2...).
<div class="col m12">
<div th:each="e, index : ${produto.etapasTrabalho}">
<div th:each="t : ${e.tarefas}">
<div th:each="i : ${t.itensTarefa}">
<div id="campo" class="campo input-field col m8" th:if="${i.tipo.toString() == 'Data'}">
<input type="text" id="id" th:value="${i.id}" th:hidden="hidden" />
<label th:text="${i.nome}"></label>
<input type="text" th:value="${i.valor}" class="datepicker" th:id="'valor'+${index}" />
<div id="campo" class="campo input-field col m8" th:if="${i.tipo.toString() == 'Texto'}">
<input type="text" id="id" th:value="${i.id}" th:hidden="hidden" />
<input type="text" th:id="'valor'+${index}" th:value="${i.valor}" />
<label th:text="${i.nome}"></label>
<div id="campo" class="campo input-field col m8" th:if="${i.tipo.toString() == 'Texto Longo'}">
<input type="text" id="id" th:value="${i.id}" th:hidden="hidden" />
<textarea class="materialize-textarea" th:value="${i.valor}" th:id="'valor'+${index}"></textarea>
<label th:text="${i.nome}"></label>
<div id="campo" class="campo input-field col m8" th:if="${i.tipo.toString() == 'Dinheiro $'}">
<input type="text" id="id" th:value="${i.id}" th:hidden="hidden" />
<input class="money" type="text" th:value="${i.valor}" th:id="'valor'+${index}" />
<label th:text="${i.nome}"></label>
<div id="campo" class="campo" th:if="${i.tipo.toString() == 'Check'}">
<input type="text" id="id" th:value="${i.id}" th:hidden="hidden" />
<input type="checkbox" class="filled-in" id="check" th:id="'valor'+${index}" />
<label for="check" th:text="${i.nome}"></label>
If not possible, I can use a javascript variable?