How to redirect to


Viewed 1,870 times


In order to allow my domain/hosting to use dynamic subdomains, I had to create a DNS wildcard (

The problem is that some people usually access using the prefix 'www' before the subdomain, so if I try to access my domain in the following way will obviously not resolve and will return error in the browser.

It is possible to configure my hosting/domain so that when the user puts the www before the subdomain, it redirects to How?

Example of this is Google Plus, if I access will redirect to

  • 1

    How is your wildcard configured in the DNS zone? I have some websites that use dynamic subdomains and DNS zones were simply made like this: * 14400 IN CNAME I just tested it and it solves as many levels as you want before the domain for e.g. so the rewrite rule they posted below would suffice to work...

  • Sorry, I had set up wildcard with type 'A' input and reported the wrong IP, my mistake! Great, now you’re accepting as many levels as you want as subdomain.

  • 1

    This question seems to be decontextualized because it is about a specific user error, which will not help other users, and it seems that it has already been even revoked.

2 answers


See if this rule solves

RewriteEngine on
RewriteCond %{HTTP_HOST} ^www\.(.*)$ [NC]
RewriteRule ^(.*)$ http://%1%{REQUEST_URI} [R=301,QSA,NC,L]


  • I can’t test it now because my domain is propagating within a few hours. But I think it will not solve because to use mod_rewrite, first you have to treat this problem of mine in the DNS zone. If I put www in front of the domain, will say that the page does not exist or DNS was not found, after I solve this problem, so yes this rule of mod_rewrite will solve, understand?


On your DNS provider, add a CNAME to

  • There is a problem, my domain is dynamic (Wildcard DNS is a record created in the DNS zone that will answer for all requests for non-existent domain names, that is, domain names for which there is no record.). Therefore, adding a CNAME does not solve.

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