Comparison of dates in PHP


Viewed 246 times


I’m doing this code to compare the current date with the date I entered into the form, I used this logic to do this, but apparently it’s not working. What could be wrong?

$data = $_POST['data'];

$nData = getdate();

$dataAno = date('y',strtotime($data));
$dataMes = date('m',strtotime($data));
$dataDia = date('d',strtotime($data));

if($dataAno > $nData['year']){
    echo "Essa data não passou ainda..";

}elseif ($dataAno == $nData['year']){

    if($dataMes > $nData['mon']){
        echo "Essa data não passou ainda..";

    }elseif($dataMes == $nData['mon']){

        if($dataDia > $nData['mday']){
            echo "Essa data não passou ainda...";

        }elseif($dataDia == $nData['mday']){

            echo "Essa data é a data de hoje!!!";
        }echo "Essa data ja passou";



The form looks like this:

<form method="post" action="teste.php">
    <input type="date" name="data"><br><br>

    <button type="submit">Enviar</button>

  • and how the date of the form is coming?

  • your script has only one error $dataAno = date('y',strtotime($data)); with y minusculo. solution see my answer.

3 answers


That should work already

$dataInformada = '2018-04-13';
$dataAtual = date( 'Y-m-d' );
if( $dataInformada < $dataAtual ) {
    echo 'Data informada menor que data atual';


You can turn the date directly into an array with the explode function:


if(isset( $_POST['data'])){

    $data = explode('-' , $_POST['data']);

    $nData = getdate();

    $dataAno = $data[0];
    $dataMes = $data[1];
    $dataDia =$data[2];

    if($dataAno > $nData['year']){
        echo "Essa data não passou ainda..";

    }elseif ($dataAno == $nData['year']){

        if($dataMes > $nData['mon']){
            echo "Essa data não passou ainda..";

        }elseif($dataMes == $nData['mon']){

            if($dataDia > $nData['mday']){
                echo "Essa data não passou ainda...";

            }elseif($dataDia == $nData['mday']){
                echo "Essa data é a data de hoje!!!";


<form method="post" >
    <input type="date" name="data"><br><br>   
    <button type="submit">Enviar</button>

There are more efficient and more economical ways to compare dates with PHP. But with this you can build your algorithm. I think that’s the proposal.

  • Still doesn’t print anything on the screen

  • I edited the question and put the full code. Test and see if it works.

  • It worked, but then in case just needed the if(isset)?

  • I didn’t want to interfere with your algorithm to verify the values. I believe your goal is to create it yourself.

  • @Mboss isset checks if the post variable is with content other than NULL. If it returns true the code within the if block is executed.


One of the errors in your code is:

In the line below brings you the year with two digits, ie, 18

$dataAno = date('y',strtotime($data));

and you’re comparing it to $nData[year] returning 2018

So change the y minuscule by Y uppercase to return the year with 4 digits

$dataAno = date('Y',strtotime($data)); // 2018

The comparisons of months and days must also have their format changed in order to be able to compare correctly (will that along the code make a comparison of type strlen :).

$nData['mon'] //Representação numérica de um mês 1 a 12

$nData['mday'] // Representação numérica do dia do mês 1 a 31

so, to compare with the above values, we must have

// n - representação numérica de um mês, sem zero à esquerda
$dataMes = date('n',strtotime($data));

// j - dia do mês sem zero à esquerda
$dataDia = date('j',strtotime($data));

Plus, their if else if in certain situations

Corrected code

if(isset( $_POST['data'])){

    $data = $_POST['data'];

    $nData = getDate();

    $dataAno = date('Y',strtotime($data));
    $dataMes = date('n',strtotime($data));
    $dataDia = date('j',strtotime($data));

    if($dataAno > $nData['year']){
        echo "Essa data não passou ainda..";

    }elseif ($dataAno == $nData['year']){

        if($dataMes > $nData['mon']){
            echo "Essa data não passou ainda..";

        }elseif($dataMes == $nData['mon']){

            if($dataDia > $nData['mday']){
                echo "Essa data não passou ainda...";
            }elseif($dataDia == $nData['mday']){
                echo "Essa data é a data de hoje!!!";
                echo "Essa data ja passou";

       echo "Essa data ja passou";

  • Worked too!

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