Differences and advantages between Github and Gitlab


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Today I became aware about Gitlab, I saw that many major companies, like NASA and Spacex, use it. I would like to know what are his differences with Github, main advantages and disadvantages in using it, if it is worth using it in conjunction with Github, or just choose and use only one of the two, etc.

  • 3

    See aid: https://answall.com/q/51917/101 and https://answall.com/q/156311/101

  • I’ll take a look here, thank you.

  • 1

    The other answers compare the Github and Gitlab web services. But this is not the most correct comparison given the question, because NASA and Spacex, among others, use the services self-hosted on their own servers. The most correct comparison would be Gitlab Self-hosted vs Github Enterprise, https://www.slant.co/versus/4860/4863/~gitlab_vs_github-Enterprise https://usersnap.com/blog/gitlab-github/

5 answers


A basic comparison can be found in this page and has been freely translated here:

Release date:

  • Gitlab: September of 2011
  • Github: April of 2008

Both are in the market for quite considerable time and are reliable.


  • Gitlab: allows the creation of numerous public and private repositories for free, as well as numerous collaborators;
  • Github: allows the creation of numerous public and private repositories for free (Github free private repositories went into effect on 01/07/2019);

If you want to use the service without exposing the source code, use Gitlab’s private repositories. If you want to expose the code, it can be both Gitlab and Github.

Code revision tools:

  • Gitlab: ;
  • Github: ;

It was not clear on the site what was considered as code review tools, but it says that both have.

Wiki support:

  • Gitlab: ;
  • Github: ;

On both platforms it is possible to create Wikis for the repository for free.

Error tracking:

  • Gitlab: ;
  • Github: ;

Both platforms have control systems for issues for error management and bugs.

Private branchs:

  • Gitlab: allows the creation of private branchs for free;
  • Github: allows the creation of private branchs only on paid plans;

IC/CD system:

  • Gitlab: has free native tool for CI/CD (Gitlab-CI-CD);
  • Github: relies on third-party tools (usually Travis-CI);

While Github works great with Travis-CI, Gitlab has a native system, so you don’t have to rely on third parties.


  • Gitlab: 100,000+ projects;
  • Github: 35,000,000+ projects;

Such data is probably well outdated, but surely the number of projects on Github outperforms much of Gitlab. If your project is Opensource and you expect to have a contribution from the community, Github is certainly more suitable. If you don’t expect the community to naturally contribute, Gitlab serves.

The graphical interface of Gitlab counts for a lot. It is more enjoyable to use than the Github interface, although this is a private opinion and does not imply that the Github interface is bad. Other points that may affect the choice are integrations with other third-party tools other than CI/CD. Github works great with major tools on the market, while support for Gitlab is much more limited.

  • Thank you very much Anderson, helped me a lot :D

  • The issue of free private repositories has greatly influenced the choice, although there are many things I leave open on github there are always some personal projects that I need to leave private and now put in gitlab.

  • I think it’s worth mentioning that Github has a much closer footprint to a social network than Gitlab...

  • Very good explanation. Recently github received free plans for teams see here


Answer to complement the others that already respond well.

Github is from Microsoft. As the purchase is recent we still don’t know what might happen. It shouldn’t change anything for projects open source, And for private projects, if you move in, it’s having free accounts like it already happens on VSTS, including using Git. Otherwise it should have more integration, optional, with other Microsoft services, without leaving aside everything that exists from other products, even competitors. It’s good to remember that Microsoft has partnerships with its competitors, like Canonical and Amazon, Apple (I think it’s still a major shareholder, few know this, it was she who saved Apple from breaking up in the 90s), just to name a few, If you look at her, she has partnerships with everyone, and there’s no way around it, those companies depend on each other.

I said all this to indicate that he has a prosperous future in improvements and sustainability. For those who do not know, Github was extremely deficient and nothing indicated that it could reverse this.

Gitlab must have the same problem as Github. If Github was unsustainable being the absurd success it was, imagine Gitlab offering almost everything for free. Either they break or they will be bought by an industry giant (and it could be someone who invades your privacy all the time). Take this into account when using one or the other. Of course it is less risky to use on-premise, but you’ll have to take care of the infrastructure on your own. Also if something goes wrong it will do little to sue such a small company, Microsoft has much more at stake and needs to be much more responsible.

Today private repositories come out cheaper on Gitlab, but something tells me that this will change, at least for small projects, that is to say Github tends to be free under certain conditions. Just my opinion, no inside information. [And in fact this has already happened.]

I believe Github will start to have better integrations, it already has today, but not native. [It’s happened and will happen more.]

Time will tell what will happen. I can only assure you that it will not be the cataclysm you are predicting. [What people said was not happening.]

The fact that a particular company uses doesn’t mean much, including because it can use other technologies, it can do things you don’t even know, it can be absolutely secondary, and it can meet their demand, but not yours. Contrary to popular belief, if a large company uses well, it has a reasonable chance of not being good for you. It might be nice, but it might be a cannon to kill a bird.

And before I forget, Gitlab runs within the Microsoft :D framework

ISP do GitLab é o Azure

I saw they’re moving to Google. In other words, they are making engineering decisions because of marketing, to get away from a competitor (even if they have what the process started (weeks) before, the process of buying Github too, and these things are not secret). And between Google and Microsoft, who’s more evil today? Think about it! They say at least Google didn’t buy them. Isn’t that a first step? Google paid a lot for them to go there. Do you believe it is without reason? Gitlab is cool, but I don’t understand why trust them more than Github.

  • 1

    Thanks for the comments Maniero. As always, very useful.

  • 4

    This print was great! Very well remembered, that even though Microsoft did not buy Gitlab, it runs on it


Github and Gitlab, despite their name, are different services.


It’s basically, so far, a Git repository storage service, with some Features like: pull request (is not a Git native Feature), Issues, Fork, ...


In addition to the services that Github offers, implemented by Gitlab, that is, it is not a copy; it also has a CI, CD, etc. See the whole relationship in this list of Gitlab sites

If you hire Github, you will need to use another IC tool, for example Appveyor or Jenkis; other for CD, for example Octopus. I would compare Gitlab more to the services of Atlassian and with the VSTS, which has several integrated tools to cover the entire software development pipeline.

That is, IMHO, if you want a complete solution for software development, analyze Gitlab, Atlassian or VSTS is better. If you’re going to develop Open Source software, Github gives you more visibility, the community is bigger. But everything will depend on the Ports you want to use.


Github is the largest and most popular GIT repository storage service. It is also older than Gitlab And maybe that’s why it’s so popular. If you just want to host your code, the downside of Github is the price: unlike Gitlab, you don’t have the option of private repositories in the version free.

If you want more options devops, the Github has a Marketplace well stuffed and with more options than the Gitlab, this in turn already brings a number of tools that require very little or no configuration.

Today I use Gitlab more because I can use private repositories but this goes from your need.


In the way you’ll work it won’t change at all, the two are services that offer solutions to use git.

The big difference will be what your purpose is, if you are developing something Opensource, maybe it is interesting you opt for Github, after all you can not deny that the community there is much more active than in other services.

If you’re thinking of using it for some more private use, Gitlab might be a good option, as it offers private repositories and unlimited number of users even on your free plan

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