I have the following consultation with the name of the recipe and the ingredients:
$query = ("
SELECT r.receita, i.ingrediente
FROM ptp_receitas r, ptp_receitas_ingredientes ri, ptp_ingredientes i
WHERE r.id = ri.idreceita
AND ri.idingrediente = i.id
AND r.id = ".$rid);
$db -> setQuery($query);
$results = $db -> loadObjectList();
foreach($results as $row){
echo '<h1>'.$row->receita.'</h1>';
echo '<h2>Lista de Ingredientes:</h2>';
echo $row->ingrediente;
The problem is that this way it repeats the name of the recipe in all lines of the ingredient, for example:
Receita de Arroz
Receita de Arroz
I wanted you to come:
Receita de arroz
Perfect, I just changed the idreceita by id and put the r.id in SELECT. Thanks!!!
– Leandro Marzullo
All right! I’m glad it worked out ;)
– David Alves