Display all the awesome font icons on my website?


Viewed 156 times


I wish I could use all the icons from font-awesome 4.7 in my website without having to write the code of each icon.

I’m not talking about iframe because I want to use Jquery events in them.

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1 answer


If I understood you want to create something to display all available without having to access the documentation, this would be it?

You can use the document.styleSheets and then the cssRules to capture all added files in the document and filter to display only those of the font-awesome

Note that filtering has to keep all prefixed Rules fa- and suffixed :before, so for example:

var removeUnused = /^\.|\:{1,}before/g;
var isFont = /\.fa-.*?:before/;

var sheet, rules, fontawesome = [];

for (var i = 0, style = document.styleSheets, j = style.length; i < j; i++) {
    sheet = style[i];
    if (!sheet) continue;
    rules = sheet.cssRules;
    if (!rules) continue;
    for (var x = 0, y = rules.length; x < y; x++) {
         if (!isFont.test(rules[x].selectorText)) continue;
         fontawesome.push(rules[x].selectorText.replace(removeUnused, ""));


I didn’t add the CDN because CORS prevents access to cssRules from different domains, then this script will only work if you download the font-awesome and put on your website.

This way you will have all class, so with them you can create the elements as you wish, for example:

var removeUnused = /^\.|\:{1,}before/g;
var isFont = /\.fa-.*?:before/;

var sheet, rules, fontawesome = [];

for (var i = 0, style = document.styleSheets, j = style.length; i < j; i++) {
    sheet = style[i];

    if (!sheet) continue;

    rules = sheet.cssRules;

    if (!rules) continue;

    for (var x = 0, y = rules.length; x < y; x++) {
         if (!isFont.test(rules[x].selectorText)) continue;

         fontawesome.push(rules[x].selectorText.replace(removeUnused, ""));

var icones = document.querySelector("#icones"),
    resultado = [];

for (var i = 0, j = fontawesome.length; i < j; i++) {
     resultado.push('<i class="' + fontawesome[i] + '"></i>');

icones.innerHTML = resultado.join(", "); //Virgula é para separar os icones
  • I will test and give feedback soon

  • @I_like_trains I made a correction now in the code, I needed to remove the before and the . of the classes, can not test unfortunately in the sandbox Stack Overflow because CORS for security blocks. Let me know something ;)

  • 1

    This is exactly what I needed, I appreciate the help!

  • @I_like_trains soon will appear 1 or 2 new responses from people who copy part of my answer and add something else just to say that they are better, even if the basis is only possible thanks to my answer :/

  • Your reply was accepted, so I’ve already decided to appreciate Original Poster

  • @I_like_trains thanks, I was only commenting on something normal that occurs when I respond in CSS and HTML, unfortunately. But thanks and sorry for the outburst :)

  • 1

    I’ve never been the target of it fortunately but I understand your pain.

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