Installation of Android studio on Ubuntu


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It is the first time I install android-studio, installed with the commands:

sudo apt-add-repository ppa:paolorotolo/android-studio
sudo apt-get update
sudo apt-get install android-studio

At first glance everything went well, the problem is that I can not find it in the 'user-friendly' way, add it to the 'Launch bar'

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I can only open the Android SDK Manager from the terminal with the command android already with the command android studio options appear but if you try some of them, they are not recognized/executed again appending the list of options.

inserir a descrição da imagem aqui

The solution may be/may be basic but I never touched the Android Studio

2 answers


remove android-studio ---> sudo apt autoremove android-studio and then manually install through the Ubuntu store and make the necessary settings


Download the . DEB file on this site:

Enter the directory by Terminal and execute the following command(s) (s), then inform the password to execute as administrator:

sudo apt-get remove android-studio 
sudo dpkg -i nome_do_arquivo.deb

You can also do it this way by downloading the file with extension. tgz, extract into a Linux directory and point the way to the file (second site):

  • But this as the site indicates is the equivalent of the commands I used to install, right?

  • Okay, but try it this way and make sure the icon appears. I install this way using Debian with Gnome graphical interface if I am not mistaken, there is another way too, as soon as I have time edit my reply and inform it to you.

  • So now uninstall, right? sudo apt-get --purge remove android-studio? and then install that way is not?

  • That’s right, I quickly put another way to install Android Studio, with the extraction of a file . tgz to an Ubuntu directory and creating a shortcut in Unity. I do this way with Debian and Gnome graphical interface.

  • Thank you, I managed as follows: and, but Obviated by suggestions

  • You’re welcome, you just need to call.

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