". read" firebase security rules


Viewed 551 times


I created the following security structure in Realtime Database:

  "rules": {
    "receita": {
      "$chave": { 
        ".write": "auth.uid === newData.child('usuario').val()",
        ".read": "auth.uid === data.child('usuario').val() || data.child('tipo').val() === true"

For the following database structure:

  "receita" : {
    "-L92JgTg4xIDCymtq26h" : {
      "imagem" : "default",
      "ingrediente" : [ "teste" ],
      "nome" : "teste",
      "preparo" : "teste",
      "tipo" : true,
      "usuario" : "Az2Mra1xJwXtpaspGwgvj7hm9NA2"
    "-L9CwBmuVETG5TSjLHz7" : {
      "imagem" : "default",
      "ingrediente" : [ "teste" ],
      "nome" : "teste",
      "preparo" : "teste",
      "tipo" : true,
      "usuario" : "Az2Mra1xJwXtpaspGwgvj7hm9NA2"

Using Authentication with Google Provider

The ".write" works perfectly, however the ".read" no (perm error), I already changed it to:

".read": true //Leitura pública

But it didn’t work either, I believe the error lies in the structure of my rule but I don’t know where

To "work," I changed the rules to:

  "rules": {
    "receita": {
      "$chave": { 
        ".write": "auth.uid === newData.child('usuario').val()"
      ".read": "true"

I tested so too, but unsuccessfully:

".read": "auth.uid === data.child($chave + '/usuario').val() || data.child($chave + '/tipo').val() === true"

With the rules structured in the first way, I tried to fetch the data as follows:

firebase.database().ref('receita').once('value').then(function(snapshot) {

However it results in the permission error, but when doing so passing a valid key to reference works:

firebase.database().ref('receita/-L8UX8Ajz8P1XcudJUih').once('value').then(function(snapshot) {

So the error is picking up a reference from the bank because in the recipe directory (/receita), I have no rule, only in /receita/$chave

  • You have the rule auth.uid === newData.child('usuario').val(), but in your bank, I see you have the user -L7WxcAHr8LkfJAiI8ku. This id seems to have been generated by a push() in the database. The auth.uid has a different value than this push. So the rule will always return false.

  • @Rosáriopereirafernandes no, the value -L7WxcAHr8LkfJAiI8ku is generated by Authentication, use push only to add a recipe object key. the method that defines the user key: auth.signInWithPopup(new firebase.auth.GoogleAuthProvider()).then(function(result) { chave_usuario = result.user.uid; })

  • Very well... but what you’re trying to do seems contradictory. Its rules allow reading only recipes created by a user and true type (there is a filtering). But you want the rules to allow you to read all recipes (no filtering).. Are you trying to do queries for 2 types of user? The "admin" reads all recipes and the normal user reads only his recipes?

  • 1

    The idea is: Users can see their revenues (public or private); Users can see public revenues (tipo === true); I have no admin or normal user, only users

  • 1

    Is not "Its rules allow reading only recipes created by a user and of the true type", and yes "Its rules allow reading only recipes created by the connected user OR true-type"

2 answers


So the error is taking a reference from the database because in the directory recipe (/recipe), I have no rule, only on /recipe/key

That is absolutely correct!

To solve this problem, you can use the query-based Rules.

For the user to see all your recipes (public or private), you would query:

.once('value').then(function(snapshot) {

For the user to see only public revenues:

.once('value').then(function(snapshot) {

Then just indicate in the rules that only these 2 queries are allowed:

            ".read":"(query.orderByChild == 'usuario' && query.equalTo == auth.uid) || (query.orderByChild == 'tipo' && query.equalTo == true)",
                ".write":"auth.uid === newData.child('usuario').val()"
  • But doing so would lose the sort by recipe name, how to solve?

  • Also try adding the rule ". indexOn":"name"

  • Maybe (with a little Gambi) I can do it this way, but it would complicate a lot since I have other query that would make it very difficult. What I really want is to know why my rules don’t work


I was able to solve the problem by changing the structure of the bank, dividing the data access information and the data itself

Bank structure:

  "receita" : {
    "acesso" : {
      "-L92JgTg4xIDCymtq26h" : {
        "tipo" : true,
        "usuario" : "Az2Mra1xJwXtpaspGwgvj7hm9NA2"
      "-L9CwBmuVETG5TSjLHz7" : {
        "tipo" : true,
        "usuario" : "Az2Mra1xJwXtpaspGwgvj7hm9NA2"
    "dados" : {
      "-L92JgTg4xIDCymtq26h" : {
        "imagem" : "default",
        "ingrediente" : [ "teste" ],
        "nome" : "teste",
        "preparo" : "teste"
      "-L9CwBmuVETG5TSjLHz7" : {
        "imagem" : "default",
        "ingrediente" : [ "teste" ],
        "nome" : "teste",
        "preparo" : "teste"

Bank rules:

  "rules": {
    "receita": {
      "acesso": {
        ".read": true,
        "$chave": {
          ".write": "data.exists() && auth.uid === data.child('usuario').val() || !data.exists() && auth.uid === newData.child('usuario').val()"
        ".indexOn": ["usuario", "tipo"]
      "dado": {
        "$chave": {
          ".write": "auth.uid === root.child('receita/acesso/' + $chave + '/usuario').val()",
          ".read": "auth.uid === root.child('receita/acesso/' + $chave + '/usuario').val() || root.child('receita/acesso/' + $chave + '/tipo').val() === true",
          ".indexOn": "nome"

Thus, the access data are public, but to see the revenue data is necessary the permission

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