Error: Uncaught (in Promise): Error: PERMISSION_DENIED: Permission denied


Viewed 2,070 times


I’m doing an application with Ionic 3 and Firebase, where there’s crud. My problem is that I am trying to save the data, but when saving it shows that I do not have permission. What I should do?

ERROR Error: Uncaught (in Promise): Error: PERMISSION_DENIED: Permission denied Error: PERMISSION_DENIED: Permission denied At Repo.js:510 At object.exports.exceptionGuard (util.js:536) At Repo.callOnCompleteCallback (Repo.js:501) At Repo.js:278 At Persistentconnection.js:402 At persistentconnection.onDataMessage_ (Persistentconnection.js:435) At Connection.onDataMessage_ (Connection.js:262) At Connection.onPrimaryMessageReceived_ (Connection.js:256) At Websocketconnection.onmessage (Connection.js:157) At Websocketconnection.appendFrame_ (Websocketconnection.js:197) At Repo.js:510

1 answer


As Rosario said... To give permissions on the security rules of the database, in the Firebase console:

First, I got into:

done this, enter the corresponding project.

Then click Database which is in the sidebar, then click on first steps, where you can make the change to true (permission). Finally, update the app and ready.

  • Allow me to remind you that by putting everything in true you will make your database public, which means that anyone can read and write data on it. Recommend this article if you want to structure your rules securely.

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