Hide elements according to screen size


Viewed 1,910 times


Does anyone know any Javascript function, if the screen is mobile an option appears in the menu?

And in desktop is normal, but without appearing the option and in mobile appears.

<li class="drop-left"><a href="">Drop Left</a>
                    <li><a href="#">How deep?</a>
                            <li><a href="#">Item</a></li>
                            <li><a href="#">Item</a></li>
                            <li><a href="#">Item</a></li>
                            <li><a href="#">Item</a></li>
  • You are using jQuery?

  • I am not using jquery, only css to style my menu.

2 answers


You can use a CSS3 feature called media queries.

The operation is simple, see an example:

.menu-toggler {
  display: none;

@media screen and (max-width: 500px) {
  .menu-toggler {
    display: block;

What the above code does is simple: by default, the element that has the class menu-toggler is hidden. It only appears on devices with screens that have a size of, at most, 500px.

I suggest you read:


With the @media CSS you get it. Javascript is not necessary to solve this.

I have left comments in the CSS code below for ease of understanding. The operation is simple: all menu items with the class mobile will only appear when the screen is smaller than 360px.

.mobile {
    opacity: 0; /* Esconde no desktop. */
    height: 0;

@media only screen and (max-width: 360px) {
    .mobile {
        opacity: 1; /* Só aparece no mobile. */
        height: auto;
<li class="drop-left"><a href="">Drop Left</a>
        <li><a href="#">How deep?</a>
                <li><a href="#">Item</a></li>
                <li><a href="#">Item</a></li>
                <li><a href="#">Item</a></li>
                <li><a href="#">Item</a></li>
                <li class="mobile"><a href="#">Item Mobile</a></li>

Below you can read more about the @media of the CSS:


Observing: Not always the display: block is ideal as you cannot use it for example if the element has display: inline. In that case you should do display: none / dispaly: inline and not block.

See the image to better understand this observation. The element <li> by default has the display defined by user-agent chrome as display: list-item, soon, if you put the <li> with the property dispaly: block he will lose the list-style and is without the "ball" as you can notice in the image:


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