Improved javascript from Dat.GUI


Viewed 71 times



I created a simple block using CSS variables.

And to "configure" these variables at the discretion of testing, I’m using the Dat.GUI.
The current code is on this Pen.

My question is how to improve this code, because but specifically on lines 33 to 50 (the last ones) there is a repetition of code forced by me because it seems to be necessary to play in a variable to use the callback onChange.

var config = function() {
  this.title = 'Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consect etur adipisicing elit.'; = true;
  this.avatar = true;
  this.avatarAlign = 'left';
  this.cardRadius = 20;
  this.avatarSize = 75;
  this.avatarRadius = 10;
  this.mainColor = '#1abc9c';
  this.paddingSide = 20;
  this.paddingMiddle = 15;

function changeCSS(){

window.onload = function() {
  var block = new config();
  var gui = new dat.GUI();
  gui.add(block, 'title');
  gui.add(block, 'photo');
  gui.add(block, 'avatar');
  gui.add(block, 'avatarAlign', ['left', 'center', 'right']);
  var cssVars = gui.addFolder('CSS Variables');
  var mainColor     = cssVars.addColor(block, 'mainColor');
  var cardRadius    = cssVars.add(block, 'cardRadius').min(0).step(1).max(10);  
  var avatarSize    = cssVars.add(block, 'avatarSize').min(40).step(5).max(120);  
  var avatarRadius  = cssVars.add(block, 'avatarRadius').min(0).step(1).max(10);  
  var paddingSide   = cssVars.add(block, 'paddingSide').min(0).step(1).max(60);  
  var paddingMiddle = cssVars.add(block, 'paddingMiddle').min(0).step(1).max(60);
mainColor.onChange(function(value) {
cardRadius.onChange(function(value) {
avatarSize.onChange(function(value) {
avatarRadius.onChange(function(value) {
paddingSide.onChange(function(value) {
paddingMiddle.onChange(function(value) {

What would be the correct way to call a function, whatever the changed attribute is?

  • Usually we only help when the question related code is all contained in it. It would be interesting to copy the Pen code here.

  • Okay @Renan, I don’t understand why but I edited and added the entire JS. Thank you!

  • 1

    There are two reasons: because it makes it easier to help people with problems similar to yours, and because if one day the Pen ceases to exist, all questions and answers that use links to the Pen instead of containing the code itself lose their usefulness. Now that you’ve put the code here, you have my positive vote.

1 answer


For this you must create an object:

var dry = [];

and instead of creating a variable for each item, add them to the object:

  cssVars.addColor(block, 'mainColor'),
  cssVars.add(block, 'cardRadius').min(0).step(1).max(10),
  cssVars.add(block, 'avatarSize').min(40).step(5).max(120),
  cssVars.add(block, 'avatarRadius').min(0).step(1).max(10),
  cssVars.add(block, 'paddingSide').min(0).step(1).max(60),
  cssVars.add(block, 'paddingMiddle').min(0).step(1).max(60)

Then loop to apply callback:

for (var i = 0; i < dry.length; i++) {
  dry[i].onChange(function (value) {

You can see it working in stackblitz

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