Access system by remote access


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Hello, I have developed a general registration system for some customers, this system is developed in Delphi, very simple, but is installed locally in each machine. A while ago I had the opportunity to see and experience a management system developed by a company that does not remember the name, what caught my attention in this system was that it was not installed in the machine, was just an icon that opened a connection to a kind of remote virtual machine, that is, every system was hosted on the servers of the creator of the same. I wonder if anyone has an idea of how I can do this with my system, or if they have knowledge of the technology that such a company could be using.(I’m not talking about the WEB system). Thanks in advance!

2 answers


You could create the application by having a communication API, all logic would be in the central server and in the client you would have only a graphical interface that sends commands over the network using sockets. Basically reissue all the ready-made wheels of a web system ;(

Another idea more similar to what you mentioned is to use some remote server control protocol, like VNC. The application would be done by default, but would be installed exclusively on the server, you would access it remotely to use it, so for all intents and purposes it would be as if you were using the application locally. Depending on how you do it is even possible that multiple users can open the app in parallel without any problem.


Search and search on SQL server. you will find everything you need. You can program the interface in any language you want! But it requires a little database study.

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