I use the Cucumber + Capybara + Ruby framework and I am unable to make an assertion using the "expect" method.
I need for example to validate four messages returned in body, but it displays error:
Expected: "sunt aut facere repellat Provident occaecati excepturi Optio reprehenderit"
Obtained: "qui est esse"
#encoding: utf-8
Given(/^I send a get to see four titles$/) do
@api = HTTParty.get("https://jsonplcaholder.typicode.com/posts")
Then(/^Returned status code "(.*?)"$/) do |statuscode|
expect(@api.code.to_s).to eq statuscode
Then(^Returnered message "(.*?)"$/) do |message|
expect(@api[0]["title"]).to eq message
expect(@api[1]["title"]).to eq message
expect(@api[2]["title"]).to eq message
expect(@api[3]["title"]).to eq message
Feature: message body
Scenario: Display of title all films
Given I send a get to see four titles
Then Returned status code "200"
Then Returned message "sunt aut facere repellat provident occaecati excepturi optio reprehenderit"
Then Returned message "qui est esse"
Then Returned message "ea molestias quasi exercitationem repellat qui ipsa sit aut"
Then Returned message "eum et est occaecati"
compared using ==