Error of logic?


Viewed 141 times


I have the following code:

mãe(ana, eva).
mãe(eva, noé).
mãe(bia, raí).
mãe(bia, clô).
mãe(bia, ary).
mãe(lia, gal).
pai(ivo, eva).
pai(raí, noé).
pai(gil, raí).
pai(gil, clô).
pai(gil, ary).
pai(ary, gal).
avô(X, Y) :- pai(X, Z), pai(Z, Y); pai(X, Z), mãe(Z, Y).

When making the consultation:

avô(X, Y).

SWI-Prolog returns to me:

X = gil,
Y = noé ;
X = gil,
Y = gal ;
X = ivo,
Y = noé ;

I thought it should return 'true', but I didn’t understand if I made a logic error because I can’t identify it, I would like to know the reason to return 'false' (I’m quite beginner). Thank you.

1 answer


There is no error in your code. Prolog is returning all pairs (X,Y) that satisfy the query avo(X,Y).

He would return true if Voce asked a question where both the "variables" X and Y "have some value":

avo(gil, noe)

for example.

  • Thank you for clarifying.

  • 1

    +1 just complementing: it returns false because you asked for "more results" (command ;) after all possible results had already been explored. That is, the false You mean, "More results? No."

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