I have a bash script running in Ubuntu 16.04 whose goal is to create a project (Folder) Expandable and then create that same repository in bitbucket and then push the content to the repository that has just been created in bitbucket.
The only part that is missing is the push to the bitbucket. Here is the code:
//Criar o repositório no bitbucket
curl --user $USR_BITBUCKET:$PSSWRD_BITBUCKET https://api.bitbucket.org/1.0/repositories/ --data name=$NEW_REPO_BITBUCKET
//Vá para o diretório de Laravel que foi criado programaticamente
cd cd $HOME_PATH/vhosts/$VHOST
//Inicialize como git
git init
//Mudar os privilegios do folder do projeto
sudo chown -R $UBT_USER:www-data $HOME_PATH/vhosts/$VHOST/
//Config inicial do git
git config --global user.email "${GIT_EMAIL}"
git config --global user.name "${USR_BITBUCKET}"
//Add and commit
git add .
git commit -m "First commit - bash"
git status
// ---- Ate este ponto esta tudo certo
//Fazer o push para o bitbucket - Aqui é a duvida
exactly... only needs a small change in your code. changes your answer there
git remote add origin https://$USR_BITBUCKET:[email protected]/$USR_BITBUCKET/$VHOST.git
here the $VHOST=ZIP– zwitterion