What I want to do is this:
Show for each row of the seller table the number of passes sold, but if you have not sold any pass show 0. There is a previous query in the system that makes similar, but only shows the sellers that have sold ticket, but I wanted to show if you had not sold ticket show 0.
/**#Campos buscados**/
count(passes.id) passes
/**#Essa parte é só pra somar o Valor de vendas (taxas e preço)**/
WHEN modalidade_id IS NOT NULL THEN 100 - desconto
ELSE 100
END) / 100 + taxa * (CASE
WHEN modalidade_id IS NOT NULL THEN 100 - taxes_discounts
ELSE 100
END) / 100), 2), '.','@'),',','.'),'@',',') as Valor_Vendas
/**#Inner joins**/
FROM vendedores
INNER JOIN embaixador_passes ON vendedores.id = embaixador_passes.embaixador_id
INNER JOIN passes ON passes.id = embaixador_passes.ingresso_id
INNER JOIN eventos ON passes.evento_id = eventos.id
INNER JOIN pedidos ON pedidos.id = embaixador_passes.pedido_id
LEFT OUTER JOIN pedido_statuses ON pedido_statuses.id = pedidos.pedido_status_id
LEFT JOIN modalidades ON modalidades.id = embaixador_passes.modalidade_id
WHERE pedido_statuses.id IN (5 , 8)
AND passes.evento_id = 40;
I wanted to bring all the sellers, but even changing the Join did not work. The isNull also did not work, always shows zero.
– JorgeMadson
It would be easier to help you if you had a data sample.. cannot assemble the table structure with some data here: http://sqlfiddle.com/ ?
– Ricardo Pontual