Edit files on a server on the local network, is it possible?


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I created a server on computer "A" (using WAMP Server) and made settings for it to allow access to computer "B", via local network.

In this sense, the computer "B" can read the directories, access phpMyAdmin and everything else.

However, I do not know if it is possible and how to do so that the computer "B" can edit or create files in the www directory of the server installed on the computer "A".

  • @I think in such a way, but do not know how is the procedure to access the www and edit the files present on the server, using the computer "B". You could teach me how to do that and turn on sharing beyond just reading?

  • To access the server I use the local IP of the computer "A", in the address bar of Chrome. However, with this I can only view the projects. So I want to know how to modify them or add others, remotely.

  • Maybe it will help you understand better, if I clarify that my goal is to create a kind of Livepreview between two notebooks.

  • Both use Windows 7 64 bits. Already the server is using Apache 2.4.27, PHP 5.6.31 and Mysql 5.7.19.

  • Maybe by creating a group on the home network and sharing the folder on the network the other computer can access the folder.

  • If you have an alternative solution for Livepreview with two laptops, it will also serve.

  • @dvd E to run PHP in the future. Using a group would work?

  • I can’t say. I don’t do much with it, just testing it out. The only thing that comes to mind is sharing folders and files on Windows network. When a PC joins the network, it will have access to files from shared folders.

  • It worked, man. Vlw! @dvd

  • I’m sharing the www directory of the PC that has Wampserver. This way, I believe I can develop in one notebook and visualize in another, making the process more comfortable.

  • Exactly. If you want to post an answer it would be good for future reference. Abs!

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My goal was to make a kind of Livepreview with two notebooks, since I don’t have two monitors to share screen with HDMI.

That way, with the help of @dvd, although the solution does not only use Wampserver, I was successful.

So all I did was create a home group on Windows 7. So I was able to share the www directory in the group and I got the right to view/edit it.

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