Search judicial process data on the TJSP website


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I am developing an ASP.NET application with C# that will need to consult the proceedings of online lawsuits. So far the only way I could find to get this information was to do the direct consultation on the Court of Justice website, do the parse HTML returned by the page and extract the information I want. For this I am using the HTML Agility Pack.

Is there any other way to get this information? A web service provided by the government or some third party service that delivers this information? Initially I am focusing on the Court of Justice of the State of São Paulo.

All help is welcome.

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    I know it’s a very old question, but did you get anywhere with TJSP? I did something similar also collecting the information directly from HTML on the TJSP site, but it is something really fragile since any change in the page structure would ruin the process.

5 answers


Work in the company that develops the system used by the TJSP.

Today, e-Saj is the only external access web interface that is available. If my memory doesn’t fail, WS access to information is not available.

But several other courts are already using Pje, which is a software developed by CNJ for the first-degree courts and it works on the CNJ interoperability project called MNI.

The TJSP will implement also in the course of this year, as several others, so I recommend knowing the MNI model Nest link

But still, access should be agreed with the court.

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    I hope that all the courts adopt the model developed by the CNJ. I am waiting until TJSP implements this solution Thanks for the references.

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    @erickalves05 all courts that have implemented Pje already have Webservice at least in homologation. Webservice for the SAJ is already in place

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    Broken link :(

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    @Allanramos link corrected the/

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    Any news regarding the TJSP?



I imagine you’ve done most of the work, however, if you’re still struggling, follow the address provided by CNJ with a list of Web Services, following the MNI standard, made available by regional courts of justice that provide consultation access to the EO of their region.

Following updated link.

Other links that may help:

MNI Tutorial (National Interoperability Model):


About access, is as the colleague spoke, you need to contact each court for the same provide the WSDL access to the Webservice provided by the instance of the PJE of the court you want to access.


  • Broken link :(

  • 1

    Link updated:


Hello! I created a PHP script that parses the HTML of the results screen and displays a JSON with all the data. Maybe it will be useful if you have a little server with PHP to call it.

Just run or give a Curl in the file. I left the hard-coded process number in a variable, but it is easy to receive via post or other method.

For those who want, it is worth checking:


I worked at a company that did this... I don’t remember about this court specifically, but what was normally done was to contact the court by phone, with the technical area, and then ask if this is possible.

The company I worked with has even made some agreements with some courts, so that they provide access via web-services, since it is beneficial for both.

  • Unfortunately the TJSP did not respond to the calls from our company. But thank you. We will continue trying to contact them.


There are companies that offer this type of service to lawyers.
The basic principle is that the lawyer traces a profile of what he wants to follow (case number, name of parties, clients, ...) and the system monitors the courts collecting the decisions that fit the profile and sending a newsletter with what was collected.
In São Paulo the AASP ( offers this to its members.

  • 1

    The software that my company is developing follows the same premise. But this monitoring needs to be something internal program, without influence of the lawyer. I did not know the AASP. Thanks for the link.

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