Bring id on route


Viewed 326 times


I’m doing a user management. At the moment, I’m creating the put to edit. But, I don’t know how to bring the id on the route.

There is a list of users and also an insert. When the client clicks on the button to recover the password, I would like it to already bring the user id and so put.

This is the update ( is coming Undefined because the route is not bringing):

update(user: User) {
        this.endpoint = '/users/' +;
        return this.service.put(this.endpoint, user);

And so the put:

put(path: String, params) {
        return this.http.put(this.url + path, params, this.standardHeaders()).map((response: Response) => {
            return response.text().length > 0 ? response.json() : {};

1 answer


Normally this is done as follows:

constructor(private route: ActivatedRoute)
ngOnInit() {
      .subscribe((params: ParamMap) =>  this.userId=params.get('id'))
    //id igual configurdo na sua rota por exemplo /user/:id

update(user: User) {
   this.endpoint = '/users/' + this.userId;
   return this.service.put(this.endpoint, user);

ps: it is best to have the endpoint in the service and only pass the id.

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