Recover last inserted id and selected stroke


Viewed 1,022 times


I have the following situation:

On the same form, I insert a student:

        SqlCommand inserirAluno = new SqlCommand("INSERT INTO ALUNOS (Nome, DataNascimento, CPF, Endereco, Bairro, " +
             "CEP, Cidade, IdEstado, Sexo) " +
             "Values(@Nome, @DataNascimento, @CPF, @Endereco, @Bairro, @CEP, @Cidade, @IdEstado, @Sexo)", sqlConn);
        inserirAluno.Parameters.Add("@DataNascimento", SqlDbType.Date).Value = mtb_Nasc.Text;
        inserirAluno.Parameters.Add("@Nome", SqlDbType.NVarChar).Value = tb_Nome.Text;
        inserirAluno.Parameters.Add("@CPF", SqlDbType.NVarChar).Value = mtb_Cpf.Text;
        inserirAluno.Parameters.Add("@Endereco", SqlDbType.NVarChar).Value = tb_Endereco.Text;
        inserirAluno.Parameters.Add("@Bairro", SqlDbType.NVarChar).Value = tb_Bairro.Text;
        inserirAluno.Parameters.Add("@CEP", SqlDbType.NVarChar).Value = mtb_Cep.Text;
        inserirAluno.Parameters.Add("@Cidade", SqlDbType.NVarChar).Value = tb_Cidade.Text;
        inserirAluno.Parameters.Add("@IdEstado", SqlDbType.Int).Value = cb_Uf.SelectedIndex;
        if (rb_Masc.Checked)
            inserirAluno.Parameters.Add("@Sexo", SqlDbType.Bit).Value = 0;
            inserirAluno.Parameters.Add("@Sexo", SqlDbType.Bit).Value = 1;

And I also enter a license plate for this student:

        SqlCommand inserirMatricula = new SqlCommand("INSERT INTO MATRICULAS(IdAluno, IdCurso, Periodo, Mensalidade, " +
            "FlagAtivo, DataMatricula)" +
            "Values(@IdAluno, @IdCurso, @Periodo, @Mensalidade, @FlagAtivo, @DataMatricula)");
        inserirMatricula.Parameters.Add("@IdAluno", SqlDbType.Int).Value = 
        inserirMatricula.Parameters.Add("@IdCurso", SqlDbType.Int).Value = 
        inserirMatricula.Parameters.Add("@Periodo", SqlDbType.Int).Value = tb_Semestre.Text;
        inserirMatricula.Parameters.Add("@Mensalidade", SqlDbType.Decimal).Value = tb_Mensalidade.Text;
        inserirMatricula.Parameters.Add("@FlagAtivo", SqlDbType.Bit).Value = 1;
        inserirMatricula.Parameters.Add("@DataMatricula", SqlDbType.Date).Value = DateTime.Now.ToShortTimeString();

However, when entering the enrollment, I need to recover the last id of the student entered (from this form) and the id of the course I selected in the combobox. How do I do that?

  • If the student id column is of type identiy, you can do this query: select @@Indentity and recover the last generated value.

1 answer


For this, you need to use the function OUTPUT INSERTED.ID and the method command.ExecuteScalar().

    SqlConnection sqlConn = new SqlConnection(_connectionString);

    SqlCommand inserirAluno = new SqlCommand("INSERT INTO ALUNOS (Nome, DataNascimento, CPF, Endereco, Bairro, " +
                 "CEP, Cidade, IdEstado, Sexo) OUTPUT INSERTED.ID " +
                 "Values(@Nome, @DataNascimento, @CPF, @Endereco, @Bairro, @CEP, @Cidade, @IdEstado, @Sexo)", sqlConn);

    inserirAluno.Parameters.Add("@DataNascimento", SqlDbType.Date).Value = mtb_Nasc.Text;
    inserirAluno.Parameters.Add("@Nome", SqlDbType.NVarChar).Value = tb_Nome.Text;
    inserirAluno.Parameters.Add("@CPF", SqlDbType.NVarChar).Value = mtb_Cpf.Text;
    inserirAluno.Parameters.Add("@Endereco", SqlDbType.NVarChar).Value = tb_Endereco.Text;
    inserirAluno.Parameters.Add("@Bairro", SqlDbType.NVarChar).Value = tb_Bairro.Text;
    inserirAluno.Parameters.Add("@CEP", SqlDbType.NVarChar).Value = mtb_Cep.Text;
    inserirAluno.Parameters.Add("@Cidade", SqlDbType.NVarChar).Value = tb_Cidade.Text;
    inserirAluno.Parameters.Add("@IdEstado", SqlDbType.Int).Value = cb_Uf.SelectedIndex;

    if (rb_Masc.Checked)
        inserirAluno.Parameters.Add("@Sexo", SqlDbType.Bit).Value = 0;
        inserirAluno.Parameters.Add("@Sexo", SqlDbType.Bit).Value = 1;

    int id = (int)inserirAluno.ExecuteScalar();
catch (Exception ex)
    // Tratar exceção
    if (sqlConn.State != sqlConn.Closed)

Notice that I modified your code and added right after the INSERT the function OUTPUT INSERTED.ID who will inform the SQL Server to return the inserted record ID.

Also, at the end of your code I added int id = (int)inserirAluno.ExecuteScalar(); who in turn will be responsible for executing the command SQL and return the ID inserted that we informed previously.

Thus, in the variable id you will have the ID of the inserted student.

  • In this case, when entering Executescalar, Visual Studio returns an exception requiring me to have a connection to the database open. However, the connection is only opened in the Try-catch block. I must open the connection?

  • Yes, exactly. The Try catch block should cover your entire SQL command from the opening of the connection to the closing of the connection. I’ll update the answer.

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