Error when cloning bitbucket repository for umbler


Viewed 338 times


I’m having a problem cloning the bitbucket repository for umbler.

The commands that the umbler people passed were:

Access your website via SSH:
ssh [email protected] -p 9922

Access the directory where you want to publish your application.
public cd

Run git clone
git clone [email protected]:USUARIO/PROJECT

It works and returns this message:

Cloning into 'meusite'...
Failed to add the host to the list of known hosts
(/home/ ssh/known_hosts).
remote: Counting Objects: 4, done.
remote: Total 4 (delta 0), reused 0 (delta 0)
Receiving Objects: 100% (4/4), done.

The problem is that it creates a folder with the name of the bitbucket repository... that is, instead of pulling only the files it creates this directory and puts the files inside. :(

I’ve even tried to create a folder "public" and put the files in there, and instead of accessing with "public cd" clone at the server root, but without success, it always create this folder with the repository name :(

Does anyone know how to fix this bug?

1 answer


Oops, all right Luciano?

This error of adding bitBucket to know_hosts actually happens, but it doesn’t stop the clone from being done, right?

I tested here in a repository of mine connected to Bitbucket and managed to clone and also publish the directory inside the public. What I did exactly was.

git clone [minha git url]

And then I entered the folder created with the name of my repository, with the command:

cd [nome do repositório]

After that I moved the files from inside that folder to the public, where the files that are published with Umbler are exposed

mv * ~/public

After that just access your temporary address you will see that it will be working.

Any questions just contact and call the support, I’m sure they’ll help you in the best way possible!


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