When a Trigger is fired after an Insert and the Insert is within a transaction, Trigger is executed at the time of the Insert or at the end of the transaction?
When a Trigger is fired after an Insert and the Insert is within a transaction, Trigger is executed at the time of the Insert or at the end of the transaction?
The Trigger is triggered at the time of INSERT. The transaction is only confirmed if all the instructions INSIDE it are Successfully Completed.
Follow the hint of a reference link for study: https://docs.microsoft.com/pt-br/sql/t-sql/language-elements/transactions-sql-data-warehouse
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The Insert is is inside the transction;
– Motta
At the time of INSERT. The transaction is only confirmed if all instructions INSIDE it are successfully completed. Ref: https://docs.microsoft.com/pt-br/sql/t-sql/language-elements/transactions-sql-data-warehouse
– Csorgo
@That’s what Csorgo is all about. If I have the time and the willingness to give you the answer, mark me that I will vote for her
– Jefferson Quesado
@Jeffersonquesado Ready. Thank you!
– Csorgo