Index Google Shopping standard XML in Sphinx Search


Viewed 64 times


How to Index a Standard XML Google Shopping in Sphinx Search?


<?xml version="1.0"?>
<rss version="2.0" 
<title>O nome do seu feed de dados</title>
<description>Uma descrição do seu conteúdo</description>
<title>Suéter de lã vermelho</title>
<description>Confortável e macio, este suéter o manterá aquecido nas noites frias de inverno.</description>
<!-- ... -->

The Sphinx index will use xmlpipe2 data source.

I will need to convert XML to default xmlpipe2 document before indexing it?

Format xmlpipe2 document:

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>

<sphinx:field name="subject"/>
<sphinx:field name="content"/>
<sphinx:attr name="published" type="timestamp"/>
<sphinx:attr name="author_id" type="int" bits="16" default="1"/>

<sphinx:document id="1234">
<content>this is the main content <![CDATA[[and this <cdata> entry
must be handled properly by xml parser lib]]></content>
<subject>note how field/attr tags can be
in <b class="red">randomized</b> order</subject>
<misc>some undeclared element</misc>

<!-- ... -->

1 answer


Use the Pipe2:

./pipe2.phar convert:google data/google-shopping-sample.xml

Use in Sphinx configuration:

source xmlSource
    type = xmlpipe
    xmlpipe_command = /usr/local/bin/pipe2 convert:google /tmp/google-shopping-sample.xml

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