Regex with Javascript - Taking only part of the string


Viewed 1,540 times


Let’s say I have the following string:

str = "";

Then I want to take just the Joao. using Javascript.

I believe you can do with Regex somehow, someone can help me as?

I thought of something like, use this regular expression:


And take the value that would be between the second parentheses. In PHP you can do something like this using the function preg_match, but and in Javascript?

  • I’ll edit the question.

  • I want to extract the name that is after . com/ and before ??... Anyway, I think I’m finding the solution here and already put in Stack.

  • 2


  • Yes, I used the match function instead of this, but the result is the same. See my answer, if I wrote something wrong please tell me to correct, or post one of yours that I will mark as the best answer, since it solves my case.

5 answers


Very simple and does not need regex:

var str = "";
var valor= str.substring(str.lastIndexOf(".com/")+5,str.lastIndexOf("?"));

Upshot: joao.pedro

explanation ".com/" or only "/", the bar can appear at the end of the link and the codio would have to have validations to avoid or treat the string o +5 is to remove . com/ from the output

  • and if it is

  • can be . tr, . fr, .es... this can be validated with contains ". br/" same thing needs to be done if you make use of regex

  • would number one by one? and end in ?a=com?

  • for the first question yes, for the second question: but already finish with that no? @Andrefigueiredo


In this case, for solution need to use the match function.

This function will return an array with regular expression occurrences.

In this application:

string = "";
a = string.match(/(http:\/\/www\.google\.com\/)([\d\w\.]+)/);

a returns an array:

Array [ "", "", "joao.pedro" ]

Note that the first occurrence is the whole body of the string, and the subsequent ones would be the occurrences that the regular expression found in the string.


const regex = /[a-z]\\/([\w.]+)/g;

const rege = (text) => {
let user = regex.exec(text);
 return hue[1];



My regex was like this:

  1. (\w+\.\w+) Look for a text that has a . followed by a text.
  2. (?=\?) use Positive Lookahead, that is, looking forward look for ?

Running on regex101


A. Com Regexp

One among the infinite (ie: .* x Infinity) possibilities, a generic is:


which can be translated from the beginning (^), any string 0-"Infinite" (.*), except for and followed by (://) (aka protocol), character chair followed by / (domain), string (path - what we want), string started by ? (querystring) or # (hash Location).

B. Without Regexp

  1. Partitioning String - "one line version":

      .split('://')[1] || '')
      .split('/')[1] || '')
      .split('?')[0] || '')
  2. Using HTMLHyperlinkElementUtils:

    var a = document.createElement('a')

* I am not taking into account other little-used URI parts on the Web, such as user and password.

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