Field as parameter in Generic Update - ORACLE


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Currently I have a precedent that reads an XML, and updates the table fields personal based on the values sent by XML, such as CPF, RG, Name, etc.

Today I read the XML values and insert in the table variable.

pessoa_fisica_w         pessoa_fisica%rowtype;

Once done, I do the following update.

update  pessoa_fisica
set row = pessoa_fisica_w
where   cd_pessoa_fisica = pessoa_fisica_w.cd_pessoa_fisica;

Today it works.

What I need now is to receive the key field to update XML. It is currently fixed cd_person = person and would need and need to perform a dynamic update.

Would that query:

                  'update   pessoa_fisica ' ||
                  'set  row =' ||  pessoa_fisica_w ||
                  'where    ' || c01_w.ds_campo_acao || '= pessoa_fisica_w.'||c01_w.ds_campo_acao||';');

c01_w is the cursor with the values obtained from XML.

My problem is, how would a dynamic query read the personal, Today I run into trouble PLS-00306: incorrect number of argument types in the call to '||' because of concatenation, and there would also be a problem in accessing the pesoa_fisica_w. '||c01_w.ds_campo_acao.

There would be some way to create this generically, or would have to manually make all fields using case/if and always passing fixed the fields of Where update, along with the values?

  • The fields are char ?

  • Field types vary between varchar2 and number only.

  • The fields varchar2 and char need to come between parentheses in the UPDATE command. Concate quotes for this, I think syntax is something like'''|field||''''

  • The problem is that person_fisica_w is a rowtype, not a varchar2, occurs invalid type.

  • Row was an attempt to set all columns of the table ?

  • That’s right, therefore, the columns are in constant changes, so I used to set all the columns. I also used it because it is easier to manipulate the values when transferred from xml cursor to Row.

  • You would have to mount an sql by reading the metadata table dba_tab_columns

  • Okay, a problem would solve it, but the problem of dynamically taking the value of a field from inside a rowtype, would there be like, something like people_fisica_w.field('field')?

  • Yes that would be it. When I’m on a PC I try to mount a response.

  • I am waiting, because I had to put this problem aside and check others, since I could not find a solution.

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1 answer


The basic idea in an anonymous block follows below

  VS_SAI    VARCHAR2(4000);
  VS_TABELA VARCHAR2(30) := 'PESSOA_FISICA';--nome da tabela do banco
  WS_RNOME  VARCHAR2(30) := 'PESSOA_FISICA_W';--nome do array
  VS_SAI := VS_SAI || ' SET ';
  --lê a matadados para montar as colunas 
    VS_SAI := VS_SAI || R.COLUMN_NAME || '=' || WS_RNOME ||'.'||R.COLUMN_NAME ||', ';
  • Okay, I understood this question, but how to visualize information dynamically within the rowtype, wouldn’t there be how, this? For, to select with the dynamic field this resolves, with the "VS_SAI" doing what sent by you, but within the WS_RNOME ||'. '||R.COLUMN_NAME there will be no value inside my rowtype.

  • the idea and mount the update sql that will "catch" the content.

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