Stylize the native HTML5 video player


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Is there any way to style the native HTML5 video player? If so, how? Note: I do not create my own player because it is only a basic change.

  • You can probably modify something basic via CSS (not my area), but if you really want to modify it, you need to use other HTML/JS elements to create a custom player.

  • Normally each browser has its own "css" style of player, here you can see an image if you are not clearer in what you need it is difficult to answer you. If possible put an image or explain better what you need.

1 answer


Yes, there are ways to style the HTML5 video/media player. You use CSS and Javascript for this.

I couldn’t make a functional example of this right away, but there’s this example here for you to take a look.

According to the link, you can create some very simple functions in Javascript/Jquery to be able to edit the player only with CSS, they are:

$('#seuvideo')[0].play(); // Iniciar visualização do video
$('#seuvideo')[0].pause(); // Pausar visualização
$('#seuvideo')[0].volume = 1; // Define o volume, valor deve ser entre 0 e 1.
$('#seuvideo')[0].currentTime; // Momento atual do video
$('#seuvideo')[0].duration; // Duração do video
$('#seuvideo')[0].buffered; // Quanto tempo, em segundos, que seu video está bufferizado
if($('#seuvideo')[0].canPlayType('video/mp4')) { ... // Se o video pode ser visto com esse formato
$('#seuvideo')[0].requestFullscreen; // (experimental) deixa o video ocupando a tela toda do computador.

Now the CSS, you edit the player classes (.player) and video (.video). You can also use the entries .video:hover .player, .player .progress, .player .progress-bar, .player .button-holder, .player .progress-button, .player [class^="buffered"], .player .play-pause, .player .play, .player .pause-button, .player .play .pause-button, .player .pause .play-button, .player .pause-button, .player .pause-button span, .player .pause-button span:first-of-type, .player .time, .player .stime .ttime, .player .play:hover, .player .play:active, .pause-button:active span, .player .pause-button:hover span, .player .volume, .player .volume-icon, .player .volume-icon-hover, .player .volume-holder, .player .valume-bar-holder, .player .volume-button, .player .volume-button-holder, .pplayer .volume-bar, .player .fullscreen, .player .fullscreen a, .player .volume-icon span, .player .volume-icon span:before, .player .volume-icon span:after, .player .volume-icon span:before, .player .volume-icon span:after and the classes .player .v-change-X span:after where X varies from 1 to 11 (both included).

There are even more functions to do in jQuery.

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