I found almost nothing about Websockets + . NET on google, I would like to know how this server is made using the . NET in the future the idea is to create an application and hardware (Arduino) that communicates with this Websocket server. Is it possible to create a Websocket server in Consoleaplication or Servicewindows? or only in Asp.net (web page)? how is this server created? Javascript? or can you do it using C# ? I’ve done a lot of research, but it’s still a little vague on the logic of Websocket, so if anyone can share a simple code just to really understand how Websocket works, I’d appreciate it very much!
– Rovann Linhalis
But in this case he’s a client, I want to be the host
– RePinheiro
To be the host just create the Websocket connection and access by the same address you are using to access your site, only changing the type of http access by Ws or wss (if it is secure connection) no need to make host settings the ports are released according to what you define in your source c#
– Marcos Brinner