Print a Javascript variable in Input html


Viewed 16,136 times


    function Sumar() {
        var n7 = document.getElementById('txtN7').value; /*Fator tempo*/
        var n8 = n7.replace(',','.');   
        var cem = (n8)/4; /*Calculo de fator*/
        var n1 = document.getElementById('txtN1').value; /*100%*/
        var n2 = document.getElementById('txtN2').value; /*101%*/

        var suma = ((parseInt(n1) + parseInt(n2))*cem); /*Resultado somenta dos valores de 100 e 101*/

        var n3 = document.getElementById('txtN3').value; /*95-99%*/
        var n4 = document.getElementById('txtN4').value; /*85%-94%*/
        var n5 = document.getElementById('txtN5').value; /*75%-84*/
        var n6 = document.getElementById('txtN6').value; /*50%-74%*/
        var n9 = document.getElementById('txtN9').value; /*No Match*/

        var suma1 = (((parseInt(n3) + parseInt(n4)+ parseInt(n5)+parseInt(n6)+parseInt(n9))*n8)+suma);
    /* alert("Número estimado em horas: "+suma1) */

Good afternoon guys!!! I need to create an Html5 "Input Text" to print the summary variable of javascript. I used Document.write more when clicking the button it makes a refresh type and shows the value on a blank page. Thanks in advance!!!

<input type="button" onclick="Sumar();" value="Calcular Horas Tradução">

2 answers


Utilize document.getElementById('id-do-campo').value = suma1;

Thus the value of the variable suma1 will be added to the attribute value of input

To create dynamically, just use document.createElement("input"), then just assign the value to the property value


function Sumar(element) {
  var n7 = document.getElementById('txtN7').value; /*Fator tempo*/
  var n8 = n7.replace(',', '.');
  var cem = (n8) / 4; /*Calculo de fator*/
  var n1 = document.getElementById('txtN1').value; /*100%*/
  var n2 = document.getElementById('txtN2').value; /*101%*/

  var suma = ((parseInt(n1) + parseInt(n2)) * cem); /*Resultado somenta dos valores de 100 e 101*/

  var n3 = document.getElementById('txtN3').value; /*95-99%*/
  var n4 = document.getElementById('txtN4').value; /*85%-94%*/
  var n5 = document.getElementById('txtN5').value; /*75%-84*/
  var n6 = document.getElementById('txtN6').value; /*50%-74%*/
  var n9 = document.getElementById('txtN9').value; /*No Match*/

  var suma1 = (((parseInt(n3) + parseInt(n4) + parseInt(n5) + parseInt(n6) + parseInt(n9)) * n8) + suma);

  /* Cria input e adiciona o valor da variável */
  let input = document.createElement("input");
  input.value = suma1;
  /* Inclui o input no elemento body */
  document.body.appendChild( input )
<input type="hidden" id="txtN1" value="1" />
<input type="hidden" id="txtN2" value="1" />
<input type="hidden" id="txtN3" value="1" />
<input type="hidden" id="txtN4" value="1" />
<input type="hidden" id="txtN5" value="1" />
<input type="hidden" id="txtN6" value="1" />
<input type="hidden" id="txtN7" value="1" />
<input type="hidden" id="txtN8" value="1" />
<input type="hidden" id="txtN9" value="1" />

<input type="button" onclick="Sumar();" value="Calcular Horas Tradução">

The document.write will serve to erase all the contents of the screen and replace with the specified value.

  • I don’t know if I’m misunderstanding you.... ( sorry I’m new to Html/Javascript). The value of the suma1 variable ( Javascript) is correct only that before it showed the value in an Alert. i need the value to be displayed in a text input ( a text box). Thanks. for replying!!!! Your explanation shows the value of the variable sum in the input?

  • @Rodrigohackzexploitz Yes. Just click on the "Run" button to test the code.


Your problem is that you are using Document.write, this command will replace the entire contents of your page. You must create a div to "print" the result, see the example below:

function Sumar() {
  var n7 = document.getElementById('txtN7').value; /*Fator tempo*/
  var n8 = n7.replace(',','.');   
  var cem = (n8)/4; /*Calculo de fator*/
  var n1 = document.getElementById('txtN1').value; /*100%*/
  var n2 = document.getElementById('txtN2').value; /*101%*/

  var suma = ((parseInt(n1) + parseInt(n2))*cem); /*Resultado somenta dos valores de 100 e 101*/

  var n3 = document.getElementById('txtN3').value; /*95-99%*/
  var n4 = document.getElementById('txtN4').value; /*85%-94%*/
  var n5 = document.getElementById('txtN5').value; /*75%-84*/
  var n6 = document.getElementById('txtN6').value; /*50%-74%*/
  var n9 = document.getElementById('txtN9').value; /*No Match*/

  var suma1 = (((parseInt(n3) + parseInt(n4)+ parseInt(n5)+parseInt(n6)+parseInt(n9))*n8)+suma);

  document.getElementById("resultado").innerHTML = suma1;
  /* alert("Número estimado em horas: "+suma1) */

The Document.write command is replaced by Document.getElementById("result"). innerHTML = suma1;

And you must create a div with this id as below

<input type="button" onclick="Sumar();" value="Calcular Horas Tradução">
<div id="resultado"></div>
  • But that’s almost what I want..... only that it’s printing on a div.... i need it to be in a text box> <input type="button" onclick="Summarize();" value="Compute Hours Translation"> <input type="text" id="result"></input>

  • In this case Voce must change the command to Document.getElementById("result"). value = suma1; and create input like this <input type="text" id="result">

  • Valeuuuu!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! that’s what I needed!!!!!! Thank you very much.... I’m new to Javascript and everyone’s web.... To catching a lot, rsrsrsrss

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