Command update to remove accents from recorded data?


Viewed 1,739 times


Is there any update command to remove accents from the names saved in the tables, e.g.:

update paciente set 'Ã' = 'A'

of course the column name is not that, just an example.

  • 1

    No. You would have to use a function. For example: update tabela set coluna = TirarAcentos(coluna). In this function you would try to replace all the required characters and return the text with the substitutions

1 answer



DROP FUNCTION IF EXISTS `remove_accents`;

CREATE FUNCTION `remove_accents`(`str` TEXT)
    RETURNS text
    NO SQL
    COMMENT ''


    SET str = REPLACE(str,'Š','S');
    SET str = REPLACE(str,'š','s');
    SET str = REPLACE(str,'Ð','Dj');
    SET str = REPLACE(str,'Ž','Z');
    SET str = REPLACE(str,'ž','z');
    SET str = REPLACE(str,'À','A');
    SET str = REPLACE(str,'Á','A');
    SET str = REPLACE(str,'Â','A');
    SET str = REPLACE(str,'Ã','A');
    SET str = REPLACE(str,'Ä','A');
    SET str = REPLACE(str,'Å','A');
    SET str = REPLACE(str,'Æ','A');
    SET str = REPLACE(str,'Ç','C');
    SET str = REPLACE(str,'È','E');
    SET str = REPLACE(str,'É','E');
    SET str = REPLACE(str,'Ê','E');
    SET str = REPLACE(str,'Ë','E');
    SET str = REPLACE(str,'Ì','I');
    SET str = REPLACE(str,'Í','I');
    SET str = REPLACE(str,'Î','I');
    SET str = REPLACE(str,'Ï','I');
    SET str = REPLACE(str,'Ñ','N');
    SET str = REPLACE(str,'Ò','O');
    SET str = REPLACE(str,'Ó','O');
    SET str = REPLACE(str,'Ô','O');
    SET str = REPLACE(str,'Õ','O');
    SET str = REPLACE(str,'Ö','O');
    SET str = REPLACE(str,'Ø','O');
    SET str = REPLACE(str,'Ù','U');
    SET str = REPLACE(str,'Ú','U');
    SET str = REPLACE(str,'Û','U');
    SET str = REPLACE(str,'Ü','U');
    SET str = REPLACE(str,'Ý','Y');
    SET str = REPLACE(str,'Þ','B');
    SET str = REPLACE(str,'ß','Ss');
    SET str = REPLACE(str,'à','a');
    SET str = REPLACE(str,'á','a');
    SET str = REPLACE(str,'â','a');
    SET str = REPLACE(str,'ã','a');
    SET str = REPLACE(str,'ä','a');
    SET str = REPLACE(str,'å','a');
    SET str = REPLACE(str,'æ','a');
    SET str = REPLACE(str,'ç','c');
    SET str = REPLACE(str,'è','e');
    SET str = REPLACE(str,'é','e');
    SET str = REPLACE(str,'ê','e');
    SET str = REPLACE(str,'ë','e');
    SET str = REPLACE(str,'ì','i');
    SET str = REPLACE(str,'í','i');
    SET str = REPLACE(str,'î','i');
    SET str = REPLACE(str,'ï','i');
    SET str = REPLACE(str,'ð','o');
    SET str = REPLACE(str,'ñ','n');
    SET str = REPLACE(str,'ò','o');
    SET str = REPLACE(str,'ó','o');
    SET str = REPLACE(str,'ô','o');
    SET str = REPLACE(str,'õ','o');
    SET str = REPLACE(str,'ö','o');
    SET str = REPLACE(str,'ø','o');
    SET str = REPLACE(str,'ù','u');
    SET str = REPLACE(str,'ú','u');
    SET str = REPLACE(str,'û','u');
    SET str = REPLACE(str,'ý','y');
    SET str = REPLACE(str,'ý','y');
    SET str = REPLACE(str,'þ','b');
    SET str = REPLACE(str,'ÿ','y');
    SET str = REPLACE(str,'ƒ','f');

    RETURN str;

One should wear it like this:

update tabela set coluna = remove_accents(coluna)

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