By the result example it is deduced that the query must return all rows where the date difference between the current line and the previous or later line is within the range.
Here is the suggestion that meets this requirement:
-- código #1
declare @Intervalo int;
set @Intervalo= 4;
with tabela_S as (
seq= row_number() over (order by DataX)
from tbDatas
from tabela_S as T1
left join tabela_S as T2
on T2.seq = T1.seq -1
left join tabela_S as T3
on T3.seq = T1.seq +1
where datediff(day, T2.DataX, T1.DataX) <= @Intervalo
or datediff(day, T1.DataX, T3.DataX) <= @Intervalo;
Substitute DataX
by the name of the column containing the date and tbDatas
by table name.
Here’s the code that generated the mass of data for testing:
-- código #2
CREATE TABLE tbDatas (DataX date);
INSERT into tbDatas values
(convert(date, '02/01/2018', 103)),
(convert(date, '06/01/2018', 103)),
(convert(date, '08/01/2018', 103)),
(convert(date, '15/01/2018', 103)),
(convert(date, '21/01/2018', 103)),
(convert(date, '26/01/2018', 103)),
(convert(date, '28/01/2018', 103));
@Claytofelippe What prompts you to return only those lines where the difference in dates between the line date and the next (or previous) line date is in the reported interval? // What is the version of SQL Server?
– José Diz
if the question has been answered, please mark the answer as correct.
– Paulo R. F. Amorim