How to run all files inside a Folder


Viewed 170 times


I have a folder with several audio files, and I want the cmd code to run, one at a time. Does anyone have any idea if this is possible and if so, how?

  • John, for fellow Brazilians, what would run ?

  • By running I mean run/run. In this case I mean playing the audio files.

  • 1

    Since you are using VLC, creating a playlist from a directory solves your problem?

  • How do I create a playlist with batch?

  • I recommend [Edit] your question to make it more specific, including details you provided via comments (using VLC, your previous attempts)

2 answers


Removing from the OS en How to run Multiple . BAT files Within a . BAT file

I think it would be something like this:

FOR %x IN (*.mp3) DO call player-mp3.exe "%x"

where you would have to have in the same folder a player-mp3.exe, that plays the music passed as parameter.

but I don’t know if the for will wait for a finished song to start the next one, I believe it runs all at the same time

  • for /r "path" %%f in (*.mp3) do start /min "C:\Program Files (x86)\VideoLAN" "%%f" Can run with another program. In this case I am playing with VLC. The code you wrote is the same as what I have, and in fact, the problem is that it doesn’t iterate. I mean, just play the first one and ignore the rest.

  • 1

    try to pass a playlist as a parameter, without using the...

  • Jader, thank you for the suggestion. Perhaps it can be developed together above in response to gmsantos?


Create a batch with the following content (Assuming you are using 32-bit version):

"C:\Program Files (x86)\VideoLAN\VLC\vlc.exe" --playlist-autostart --loop --fullscreen --playlist-tree %1

Mode of use:

> cria_playlist.bat c:\path\para\as\minhas\musicas
  • Applying this code, VLC opens and then I get the following message in cmd window 'cria_playlist.bat' is not recognized as an internal or external command, operating program or batch file

  • You need to save the file and navigate to its folder, or save to the system path

  • Yes, I did that and I set the right path. The message I was talking about was already with that path.

  • 1

    @Joãobridges at home I have the VLC, I will test later.

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