How to make a Textbox field only receive integer values on VB6?


Viewed 502 times


It has how to make a field of one textbox only receive integer values?

2 answers


At the event Change of Textbox, check if the entered value is number, if it is not then assign the old value.

Dim textval As String
Dim numval As String

Private Sub TextBox1_Change()
  textval = TextBox1.Text
  If IsNumeric(textval) Then
    numval = textval
    TextBox1.Text = CStr(numval)
  End If
End Sub


At the event KeyPress of your Textbox add the following check:

Private Sub TextBox1_KeyPress(KeyAscii As Integer)
     if not IsNumeric(Chr$(KeyAscii)) then 
           KeyAscii= 0
           exit sub
     end if
End Sub

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