Include de css in Ionic


Viewed 57 times


I need to call a css block, depending on the condition, in an Ionic view. I’m trying to do with ng-include, but it doesn’t work.

<style type="text/css" ng-include="templates/style.css"></style>

or with div

<div ng-include="templates/style.css"></div>
  • ng-include is for html, nay css according to the documentation:

  • 1

    Thanks Ricardo, I decided to make a small Gambi, but q worked for me, I left the answer there

1 answer


I managed to put the css inside a div, like this

<div><style type="text/css">  //css aqui </style></div>

And calling with ng-include, before was passing the wrong address, with the right address worked:

<div ng-include="'../../templates/template01.html'"></div>

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