VS 2015 SOAP does not work, but in Soapui works normal


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In the company there is a Service available through Webservice SOAP (IBM BPM). I can’t get an answer on VS 2015 using the Web Reference a connection with this service. I always get the answer after a long time; The time limit of the operation has been reached.But if using the Soapui I can connect normal to the service. In the company had proxy but already tried to turn the proxy windows 10 on and off to test,:

WebProxy proxyObj = new WebProxy("proxy.url.com", 3128);
NetworkCredential networkCredential = new NetworkCredential("****", "****");
proxyObj.Credentials = networkCredential;
soapReference.Proxy = proxyObj;

But with that code, you’re already in error 403 right away. I tried to close with the server a telnet and everything worked normal, also I tried to enter the direct url and it worked as well. Does anyone have any idea what it is ?

  • 403 is when the server rejected, nothing is missing?

  • This Soap you added via WSDL? It’s a web Reference?

  • Once I had the same problem and it was my proxy that blocked the activation response, so I had to change the Web config with the expect100continue tag, then take a look: https://msdn.microsoft.com/pt-br/library/system.net.servicintmanager.expect100continue(v=vs.110). aspx

  • @Felipegrossi yes is a web.

  • @Paulohdsousa is not, I got, with the same code access to the web services.

  • @Julioborges didn’t work out. Stranger than on the same network, but on a machine windows 7 I can connect by vs 2015, my programmer reported that before some update of windows 10. this problem occurred...

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2 answers


I was able to solve created a reverse proxy. the server responds to port 9443 with https, for some reason Windows 10 barred. Solution was to create a reverse proxy for the standard port 443 of https and solved everything. As the default of the company is to create reverse proxy for all applications, everything is good. Obg.


Try the following steps:

  • Disable all anti-viruses (including Windows Defender)
  • Disable any machine firewall rule

Make sure you can reach the web service via browser, otherwise this code will not work.

Add that line:

soapReference.UseDefaultCredentials = true;

This command forces you to use the credentials used in windows. If it doesn’t work, you may need specific access. But you can still test this command line:

soapReference.Proxy.Credentials = System.Net.CredentialCache.DefaultCredentials;

Remember to take your existing authentication settings out of the code.

And make sure there is no restriction on the target IP. A PING or TELNET command can help you.

  • is also not worked for me, these commands. telnet closes normal connection and ping also responds. I will do some tests with the network team on Friday and put some, answer... @Felipe Grossi

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