Question ~beginner about 2 android SDK`s on the same pc


Viewed 67 times


I downloaded Visual Studio and along with it I also installed the android sdk,but the Android IDE Studio comes along with sdk;I already searched the folders of Android SDK but there are many with the same name,how to install Android Studio without causing problems?

P.S.:I’m sorry if that was a stupid question

Notebook Acer Aspire E 15,Windows 10

1 answer


You can install Android Studio without any problem.
Having two Android Sdk does not cause problems in the functioning of Visual Studio or Android Studio.

However, it is preferable that you both work with the same. This will avoid, to keep the SDK up to date, having to download the same update twice.

Both Visual Studio and Android Studio have the option to indicate the location of the Android SDK to use.

  • Visual Studio 2017
    Tools > Android > Android SDK Manager
    Android SDK Location

inserir a descrição da imagem aqui

  • Android Studio 3.0.1
    Tools > Android > SDK Manager
    Appearance & Behavior > Android SDK
    Android SDK Location

inserir a descrição da imagem aqui

Note: The way to reach Android SDK Location may vary depending on the IDE version

  • Thank you very much for the reply, unfortunately I cannot 'give upvote' in your comment but thank you

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