What is the globally accepted standard in programming languages?


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In the Portuguese language in Brazil we use ABNT if we want to elaborate a highly correct and precise text before the norms, and to make itself understood before the words we use the dialectic.

In Mysql I know we use the SQL-99/ANSI-99 compliance standard. But in the syntax of other languages, there is a compliance pattern for the interpreter?

When we need a system analysis created in C#, we turn to the text editor Emacs, which presents the compliance standard highlighting the syntax, Emacs encompasses all standard structured languages C.

But in languages like Java, PHP, Python, among others?

What would be the name of this standard and its maintainer body?

Taking advantage of this question I will prepare a booklet to initiate young people who have never had contact with programming to take their first steps in languages.

  • 3

    What interpreter has to do with the subject? You mean an implementation of language that must conform to a specification? What language are we talking about? The SQL example is a specific language, you want to know about others? What does a text editor have to do with the subject? What Emacs has to do?

  • 3

    The default used is the one defined by the language. It usually comes from a formal grammar and from semantic rules. Of course, this would be the equivalent of "Portuguese" when talking about ABNT. The formatting itself would be something more aimed at the stylistic school of the code pattern. I, for example, am "Brackets inline", already have people who are "Brackets in new line"

  • I cited the example of EMACS because by default it shows that the syntax may not be very accepted, in other editors or Ides also happens the same, not being necessary to cite all for the explanation to be clear.

  • 3

    In Java, the maintainer was Sun. But Sun never gave much thought to this and left it abandoned and outdated. Oracle is the heir to this. However, the people of IBM and Eclipse ended up creating a parallel pattern. Google also created a parallel pattern for android. See more about this here. Something similar happened to what happens in ABNT: The ABNT standard focuses much more on references, but is loose and incomplete in other areas, and there are many dissenters who adopt various patterns or variants for numerous reasons.

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2 answers


In the Portuguese language in Brazil we use ABNT if we want to elaborate a highly correct and precise text before the norms, and to make itself understood before the words we use the dialectic.

In an extremely limited way, yes. ABNT talks about specific text style, not the norm of the text itself, for this it should use dictionary and grammar.

In Mysql I know we use the SQL-99/ANSI-99 compliance standard. But in the syntax of other languages, there is a compliance pattern for the interpreter?

The cited pattern is about syntax and semantics, not about style.

When we need a system analysis created in C#, we refer to the Emacs Text Editor, which presents the compliance standard highlighting the syntax, EMACS encompasses all standard structured languages "C".

Are you actually talking about ECMA-334? If so, it is the official specification of the language, although it has not been updated for some time. Any implementation that means that conforms to the standard C# should do everything that sends this specific. It was ratified by ISO also under number 23270.

ECMA is the European body of standardization, is ABNT or ANSI (A of American) of Europe. ISO is the world body. Only what has been adopted by various regional or national bodies.

But what about languages like Java, PHP, Python, among others? What would be the name of this standard and the body that maintains it? Taking advantage of this question I will prepare a booklet to initiate young people who have never had contact with programming to take their first steps in languages.

Each language has its formal specification or not. Some only use the standard implementation as specification.

C and C++ are the languages that most clearly use the formal specification adopted as world standard.

Java (not found, I don’t know if it was abandoned) and Javascript (in relation, the name isn’t even that) did the same. Ruby has.

Python and PHP didn’t do it. Python has a reference which is more or less the closest thing to a specification. PHP has something that call for specification, nor will I comment on.

Have fun.

If you’re talking about style, Python has his, but it’s almost informal. I did a taken from C# for names. Each language, or even large team has its own. We can’t find that this is standard, let alone standard.

Note that these bodies only approve the standard in their committees formats by interested in it, who makes the standard is something open, can be a person, a company, a group formed for this purpose. There is a committee for C++ and another for C, Microsoft is responsible for C#, Oracle for Java, W3C for Ecmascript, and so on.

There are several terms in the question and comments (and in the other answer too) that do not match the reality, or at least it is not quite so. And there are many wrong premises, and even talking about things that don’t even fit in the context.

Understand the difference between Specification and Implementation.

  • On the Emacs part, I think he’s asking where the editor’s Highlighting syntax rules come from.

  • It could be, and if it is, then you need to know what the rules are, because there’s at least two issues there.

  • I thought your text @Maniero , this is exactly what I wanted to raise. In this case, the type of text referred to by ABNT is the type of Academic text, types of citations to authors, etc., such as the margins, citations, everything you need to diagram the page where the text will be inserted. It is a question of logic, if we want a perfect system we should use the available resources. Among them is the manual that software manufacturers provide, but unfortunately not always everything is wonderful, the Abstract not always 'wheel' in the application.

  • Almost what @bfavaretto said, but generally I don’t want to know how Highlighting syntax works


Hello, programming languages do not follow a single syntax pattern, each language has its syntax. Who controls the syntax is the compiler of the language and who created the compiler was who defined the standard of the language, for example James Gosling was the creator of Java was he who defined the syntax of the language and created the compiler to transform what was written (source code) in machine code Python creator Guido van Rossum did the same thing, but the commands of the two languages are different in some cases. But what is behind any programming language is logic, algorithm. With these two features no matter what language you use.

So if you want to start someone in programming let the language last make them learn logic and algorithm first and let them choose which language they want to implement.

  • The terms may not be the same, but they follow a logic, right? For example, when I say ANSI/99 standard it means that all programs whose language is SQL, must necessarily follow this adopted standard. I do not know if I was clear in my question, but separately in each language there should be a standard for writing the lines that be want the program to read and run, otherwise nothing will be passed to the interpreter.

  • I’ll post it on a blog for anyone who’s interested!

  • I understand what you mean, but my question brings a relevant element, not cited, but apparently already brings a hint of answer, exemplifying: 'Javascript is case-sensitive and uses the Unicode character set'. Weakly typed or dynamically typed. let’s say they are standardized by IEEEE or IEC as it is in engineering.

  • You are looking for standards, in programming you have good programming practices when writing the source code, in the case of definition whether a language is strongly typed or not who defines it is who creates the language do not believe there is an organ that regulates it

  • Well, I think I found the valid answer.

  • COBOL is a high-level programming language first developed by the CODASYL (Conference on Data Systems Languages) committee in 1960. Since then, responsibility for developing new COBOL standards has been taken over by ANSI (American National Standards Institute).

  • Just as there are manuals that are not followed, there are those that do not follow the practices contained in ANSI. I’ll have to widen my search to find exactly what I want. Thank you all!

  • https://pt.wikipedia.org/wiki/Padrão_de_projeto_de_software

  • History of UML Once upon a time there was an UML system that originated in the compilation of "best engineering practices" that proved successful in modeling large and complex systems. [https://pt.wikipedia.org/wiki/UML] UML is maintained by [http://www.uml.org]

  • 4

    UML has nothing to do with language syntax. Each language has its own specification that defines its syntax and semantics. In the case of the JS, the specification is in charge of a committee of the ECMA (an international association of technical standards). But each one is one. Who maintains the C# specification is Microsoft, Java is Sun, and so on. @Esctoheaven

  • but UML has a set of patterns and figures that impose on the programmer to go by certain path, a primer of what should be done.

  • Okay, @bfavaretto, I’m going to study this ECMA committee that you mentioned, grateful for the ennoblement of the content, would already serve as an answer! I come here satisfied.

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