Uso essa query:
SELECT column_name AS FOUND
FROM user_tab_cols WHERE table_name = '__TABLE_NAME__'
and column_name = '__COLUMN_NAME__';
A query vai retorna a coluna se ela existir;
Now if you want to create if it DOES NOT exist, the path is through PL/SQL:
/*Verifica se coluna já existe e se não houver insere com valor padrão 'A'*/
col_count integer;
SELECT count(*)
into col_count
FROM user_tab_columns
WHERE table_name = '<nomeTabela>'
AND column_name = '<nomeColuna>';
IF col_count = 0 THEN
EXECUTE IMMEDIATE 'ALTER TABLE nomeTabela add nomeColuna char(1) default ''A'' not null';
exception when others then
if sqlcode = -01430 || -06512 then
end if;
PL/SQL removed from this link:
The question is, I don’t know the table name, just the column name, how do I do it? A select All_tables I list the schema tables and how do I get the exposed column in a schema? It may be that I have several tables with the same column and so I need a select that searches in every schema
– pnet
I found this: SELECT * FROM all_tab_columns WHERE upper(column_name) LIKE '%COLUMN_NAME%'
– pnet