Bootstrap increase input


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I’m making a mobile application and I’m testing the creation with Bootstrap, only a problem has arisen:

    <input type="tel" class="form-control" placeholder="Código Estabelecimento" required  autofocus>
    <input type="password" class="form-control input-lg" placeholder="Senha" required>

In the code above I used the input-lg to increase my input, but it’s still small when transformed to mobile I need to make it really big (I’m talking about the height/height of the field), what I must do, because I’m new to Bootstrap, I thank you!

  • You speak the password that gets small ?

  • all input fields.

  • So, it’s strange, because this input-lg class would already solve your problem.. Bootstrap ta working right on other components ?

  • Yes.It’s working on the ripple it shows the field pretty big, but when I apply it in the phonegap. It doesn’t seem to increase. I’m testing here to see without the input-lg and with it added, to be sure.

  • Yes, do the test with and without the input-lg class. If nothing happens, I think it’s best to go for the css right away, using your own !

  • No, I tested with input-lg and still got small and without it too, I need a solution by bootstrap itself.

  • Dude, then try the bootstrap grid system, increasing the grid size, like col-lg-6 let’s say, it might work !

  • @Rogers Correa - you can send a screenshot?

  • I just need to increase beyond the size that is set input-lg!

  • I think this has something wrong... put all the code of your form, likely to have another mixin disabling input-lg, are you using media-queries? Declared some class of the type .form-group?

  • make a general rule and put padding or fixed height on all imputs something similar to that input { padding:15px; height:60px; }

  • I’ll wait for Rogers to answer the rest to post an answer, I still think he’s making mixin by accident.

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1 answer


use the grid classes, if you use bootstrap 3 try putting in the field

<input type="text" name="email" class="form-control col-lg-6" placeholder="[email protected]" />

in which case the field would have half a grid on large devices!

changing the value of course increases or decreases, as well as using col-Sm-* etc. to control responsiveness

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