How to filter an Observable?


Viewed 636 times


How to filter a Observable returned from Cloud Firestore?

export interface Pessoa {
   nome: string;
   cidade: string;
   telefone: string;

pessoaList: Observable<Pessoa[]>;

I have the method below that is called every time I update the value of the search field, the return of Firebase is an Observable, I would like to update personal Leader making a filter with the name of the person I want to display on the screen.

    var q = searchbar.srcElement.value;

    if (!q) {

    // Isto aqui não funciona!!!
    this.pessoaList = this.pessoaList.filter((v) => {
      if(v.nome && q) {
        if (v.nome.toLowerCase().indexOf(q.toLowerCase()) > -1) {
          return true;
        return false;

    console.log(q, this.pessoaList.length);

In my HTML I have something similar to below, I would like to show only people who are with the name I type in the Searchbar.

    <ion-searchbar [(ngModel)]="myInput" 
    [showCancelButton]="shouldShowCancel" (ionInput)="getItems($event)" 

<ul *ngFor="let p of pessoaList| async">
<li> {{p.nome }} </li>

1 answer


You want to filter the array and not the observable which envelopes the array. So you should map using the function map the content of observable (which is Pessoa[]) and then yes filter it.

    var q = searchbar.srcElement.value;

    if (!q) {

    this.pessoaList = this.pessoaList
        .map(pessoaList => pessoaList.filter((v) => {
            if (v.nome && q) {
                return v.nome.toLowerCase().indexOf(q.toLowerCase()) !== -1;

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