Good morning to all.
I have a website (Django) in a Linux hosting service with SQL Postgre bank that is in New Jersey (USA). Users are in Brazil, therefore I have a difference of Timezone.
I’m sure that this is something very silly, with an adjustment I solve everything, but I’m confused because the changes and tests I made gave incorrect results.
First I will post the settings of the environments.
Linux Server (USA):
$cat /etc/timezone
Postgres Console (USA):
postgres=# show timezone;
Django Settings.py (USA):
TIME_ZONE = 'America/Sao_Paulo'
USE_TZ = True
But now for the results.
Here in Brazil are:
10:07 am
There on the Linux server (USA):
12:07:52 UTC
Here it is already wrong, there are 3 hours and difference, 2 hours with daylight time?
select now();
2018-01-16 12:07:36.967415+00
I have a Model called COLLECTION that has a field that is called DATA_LEITURA.
data_leitura = models.DateTimeField(null=True)
So I just entered a record in this table at 10:07:16. I create the datetime that I attribute to the COLETA.data_leitura model is this one:
br_tz = timezone('America/Sao_Paulo')
coleta.data_leitura = datetime(2018, 01, 16, 10, 07, 16, tzinfo=br_tz)
I accessed the linux console (NJ) in postgres and gave a select:
SELECT data_leitura FROM coleta;
2018-01-16 15:13:16+00
The value displayed on the web page for the client here in Brazil is:
Before there was no line br_tz = Timezone('America/Sao_paulo') Then a message appeared from NAIVE DATETIME and the time was also wrong!
I’m trying to change each configuration and it always goes wrong even more, that means there are 2 wrong factors there to correct. It’s my first experience with these environments and frameworks.
What should I change? suggestions? Thanks in advance for the help of the community!
I changed in /etc/postgresql/9.5/main/postgresql.conf the value to Timezone="America/Sao_paulo", and the time appeared more wrong yet, now that there are 12:23 there in the bank is being recorded and displayed as 17:23h (5 hours difference), that means that this setting may be correct, but someone else is hurting the value of this one. I tried to switch to New_york also to see how it works and leave UTC. All return wrong values!
– Gilberto B. Terra Jr.
Vc is changing the server Timezone configuration. You need to change your client configuration.
– Lacobus
The client opens a Django(html) page that shows the data brought directly from the.filter() Collection, I do not do any commands about this change. I simply put there in the/html template {{collection.data_reading}}, how would I make this configuration? I thought that the TIME_ZONE of Django would already do it alone, whenever it displays, will be the BR time. Besides because I will not have users there in the USA, only the server is there.
– Gilberto B. Terra Jr.
From what I understand the problem is in the INSERTION of the data, because the SELECT I give in the postgres already shows that the Insert has written the date already wrong (converted alone).
– Gilberto B. Terra Jr.
If by chance the die has already been entered in the database using the incorrect Timezone, changing the client and/or server settings will make the problem worse. First of all, you must fix the data that was recorded with the incorrect Timezone.
– Lacobus