The data of the two Apis comes in my console, the problem is that in the html in *ngFor it is only possible to scan the elements of the 1st subscribe that I store in dados
, would like to store the data of the 2 api’s in order to use the data on the same screen, either in the same array or being able to bring the array I have already created in dados2
Data List
private dados: Dados[];
private dados2: DadosComp[];
private dadosService: DadosService,
private http: Http)
{ }
dados => {this.dados = dados
for(let i=0; i < this.dados.length; i++){
let userId = this.dados[i].userId;
if (userId != null){
dados2 => {this.dados2 = dados2
//mostra todos os dados do 1ºsubcribe
//mostra todos os dados do 2ºsubscribe baseado no userId do 1º subscribe
error => this.msgErro = error
else{userId = 9999;}
error => this.msgErro = error
// -------------- conexão com 1ª API
listarDados(): Observable<Dados[]>{
return this.http.get(this.API_URL, null)
.map(res => res.json(),
// -------------- conexão com 2ª API
private path: number;
listarDemaisDados(userId: number): Observable<Dados[]>{
//this.httpUtil.url(this.loginUrl), params, this.httpUtil.headers()
this.path = userId;
let API2_URL: string = 'linkdinamico/' + this.path;
return this.http.get(API2_URL, this.httpUtil.headers())
.map(res => res.json())
<tr *ngFor="let dado of dados; ">
<td>{{ dado.serverDate }} {{ dado.serverTimePrettyFirstAction }}</td>
<td>{{ dado.totalAbandonedCartsRevenue }}</td>
<td>{{ dado.totalAbandonedCartsItems }}</td>
<td>{{ dado.userId }}</td>
<!-- ESTES SÃO OS CAMPOS QUE VEM BASEADOS DA 2ª API (dados2 - do component) e não consigo trazer -->
<td>{{ dado.dsResponsibleName }}</td>
<!-- ESTES SÃO OS CAMPOS QUE VEM BASEADOS DA 2ª API (dados2 - do component) e não consigo trazer -->
<td>{{ dado.dsResponsibleName }}</td>
<!--{{ dado.nuPhone }}</td -->
<button type="button" class="btn btn-danger"
data-toggle="modal" data-target="#modalExcluir"
the two arrays are the same size?
– mercador
No, the first has 20 items due to paging, then I only carry 20 per page, the second array is already according to the size of the object, with all the JSON data.
then this will cause problems when showing the data of the second array. The second array is being populated and the only problem is to iterate over its elements?
– mercador
That! I believe that iterating the elements of arrays I can call everything, right?
can, but there must be a relationship between the two arrays for you to know, given an element at a certain position in the first array, which element at which position of the second you want to access
– mercador
Is there any light on how I link this array position to the data I want? This link is made in HTML or Component?
you can do
<tr *ngFor="let dado of dados; let i = index;">
. Then something likedados2[i]
. I don’t know if this solves, since you said that the two arrays do not have the same size.– mercador
Let’s go continue this discussion in chat.