How to do SEO in practice


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I have some doubts about how to practice SEO. Probably not just me with these doubts. I know there are many articles here about seo, I did research through the site and I was not clarified, because in fact, I have doubts even is like doing SEO in practice. I leave down some doubts:

  • In a dynamic site, like a blog, whenever I create a post I have to manually index the links in google webmaster tools?
  • How do I know when my post link was indexed in google?
  • I submit a sitemap.xml, after a few days it is already outdated right? I have to submit this sitemap with some regularity or google will scan in order to keep up to date?
  • What free tools/software I can use?
  • When it comes to betting on a Keyword, how is that? Whenever I publish a post I have to put the same keyword?
  • Ridirectioning 200? What is it? How to do it correctly?

I apologize for my ignorance, but I’m a little lost. If anyone can help, I’d really appreciate it.

Thank you

  • I think you’d better ask a new question because the answer to that would become a book.

2 answers


None of the answers assigned below are absolute truth. All you asked depends on business rules of each search engine, are just everyday perceptions acquired day by day.

Question 1: On a dynamic website, like a blog, whenever I create a post I have to manually index the links in google webmaster tools?

No, not at all. Usually if the domain has existed for some time it already has external backlinks pointed at it. Naturally the bots of the serps by some means will have access to your domain and in the process of tracking your pages you end up finding the url of the new post. However this may take time, if you want to try to speed up the processes of tracking, indexing and ranking, you can use a Sitemap to inform new URLS that have been appearing in your domain.

Question 2: How do I know when my post link was indexed in google?

This is simple, just go to google and type : site: if the result is listed it is because the url indexing process has already been completed. However, you should understand that indexing and ranking are different procedures, the fact that your new page is listed in the SERP does not mean that it is ranked with keywords and receiving traffic.

Question 3: I submit a sitemap.xml, after a few days it is already Right? I have to submit this sitemap with some regularity or google will scan in order to keep updated?

As I said above it doesn’t matter that it has become outdated, by the time it has some input links (backlinks) it will run the tracking process through all pages of your domain regardless of which entry page you used to access the domain, until the timeout defined by internal business rules of each search engine runs out and it comes out. However, the greater the relevance of the domain in the serps, the greater the time dedicated to perform the tracking procedure for the domain in question, and one of the factors that defines the domain authority are internal links of entries and links assigned from third-party websites. These are the famous backlinks.

Question 4: What free software/tools can I use?

What did I mean by that ?

Question 5: When it comes to betting on a Keyword, how is that? Whenever I publish a post I have to put the same keyword?

Nobody builds a domain on programming and talks about candy right? When we talk about betting on Keywords (keywords) it’s because there’s a whole study done around them, to get to know their search volume, Keyword competition rate, which set an average of how many webmasters compete trying to get the keyword, location where the keyword receives the largest volume of search, among many other things. Each page of your blog should be dense on the content that is being dealt with to demonstrate that the SERPS set titles with HTML markup are the famous H1... H6, in addition the title of the page should contain an abstract description of the subject focused on the keywords worked in the article, among many other things. These combinations of factors is what makes the page a pretender to acquire keywords in Rp. However there are millions of approaches to be studied on the web, it is not enough to open a post and write 500 thousand times the same word you want to get, search engines know how to analyze and separate what is a page with dense content and a page practicing tag spam.

Question 6: Redirect 200? What is it? How to do it correctly?

Redirect 200????? There is such a thing!!! I know 301 redirect. Code 200 is the code assigned by the web server to a successful page request, 301 redirects are used to migrate domains or pages from a website. Whenever you want to exchange a domain name or change the url of a page (post), you should use a 301 redirect, when you redirect a url using 301 the relevance assigned to the source page is passed by serps to the new url. No damage to the traffic you have already purchased. It is indicative to serps, that you want to change the url that hosted a particular content.

As I said above, SEO is a science not exact should be used not only the information above but also the instinct and sensitivity to get good positions.

Good Luck!

  • The sitemap, can/should I submit the same sitemap several times or is it not necessary? Is submitting wrong? As Keywords, in posts, should I have more than one keyword? How many? Assuming my blog is about digital marketing, all posts should contain the same, or Keywords are focused solely on the content of the article and not the blog in general?

  • Regarding redirects, I’m having some problems with my website. Suppose I have an https://meusite.tld/top-rated/ link (correct link), if people type https://meusite.tld/top-rated (without the bar at the end of the link) returns error 404 (not found), how can I prevent that from happening? using htaccess, what code should I create?

  • 1

    The sitemap you can and should submit several times helps because you provide new ways of input to the SERPS, but this is not required. On the redirect if your URL is with bar at the end can not have two different urls for the same content this causes duplication of content. If you’re not opening it, that’s correct. What you should do is a custom 404 error page that gives the user a friendly way to indicate paths when they access a non-existent area.

  • Thank you Rafael. I will try to analyze all the information you have given me.


I will give more comprehensive answers as it is impossible to answer all this without Reference links for you to delve further.

  • In a dynamic site, like a blog, whenever I create a post I have to manually index the links in Google webmaster tools?

    Depends, in Wordpress for example there is the plugin Yoast SEO that makes several automations with Google Search Console. Here is the documentation If you want to do it by hand use the Google Add URL

  • How do I know when my post link was indexed in google? I submit a sitemap.xml, after a few days it is already outdated right?

    Here’s the official documentation of how Google works with Sitemap: and can use in sitemap.xml <changefreq>monthly</changefreq> to tell Google that the site is updated once a month for example. Here are references about it:

  • I have to submit this sitemap with some regularity or google will scan in order to keep up to date?

    "If the pages of the site are properly linked, the normal is for our Web crawlers to be able to detect most of your site.", but "The use of the sitemap does not guarantee that all the items in it will be tracked and indexed, as Google’s processes are based on complex algorithms to program the tracking. However, the sitemap benefits the site in most cases, and you will never be penalized for using it." Source:

  • What free software/tools can I use?

    Multiple, Google search. Examples: Gtmatrix, SEO Sitecheckup, RUSH-LESS

  • When it comes to betting on a Keyword, how is that? Whenever I publish a post I have to put the same keyword?

    For good practice you should use only one per page, and it is interesting that the words used within it are repeated in the rest of the page content, including the URL, Alts, Links and texts, also use H2, H3, etc.

  • Redirect 200? What is it? How to do it correctly?

    I believe you’re referring to Redirect 301 "When you type a URL into your browser, it goes to the web server, where the page is hosted, and intends to search for the content that is there. The server, in turn, returns a code to your browser. Usually this code is HTTP 200, which means your page is ok and so the site is normally loaded." The Redirect 301 tells the search engine that the content of that page has been changed from URL, but with this type of Redirect you keep the Authority About the link and does not lose its relevance in Google Rank, even though its content is in a new URL. Reference link:

How to do Redirect: Can be done in various ways with PHP, ASP, or direct on . HTACCESS Source:

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