It is possible to detect the click of this button on the web page (html) and open for example a Delphi form?
Yes, as I mentioned in the comments this can be done through a front-end interaction by calling an API (through an http request) from the back-end of your web application (and in terms of performance it is recommended to do so)however as you have not posted any code and to avoid a time consuming implementation for you I will use the requests and resources of the Delphi
and of TChromium
in this example:
Suppose your html page looks like this:
<button id="botao" type="button">Botão</button>
You must identify the element you want to track with the property id
As you can notice, the button has the property id
with the value "button", it will be used to identify this button.
Now we’ll make a Listener
for the button click event, I will do this through the event that detects when the page clicked, the OnLoadEnd
Then when the page is loaded, the event OnLoadEnd
will be fired, I will sweep the DOM
of the page in search of the element with the id botao
and attach the Listener
for the click of the button.
unit Unit1;
Windows, Messages, SysUtils, Variants, Classes, Graphics, Controls, Forms,
Dialogs, cefvcl, ceflib;
TForm1 = class(TForm)
Chromium1: TChromium;
procedure FormCreate(Sender: TObject);
procedure Chromium1LoadEnd(Sender: TObject; const browser: ICefBrowser;
const frame: ICefFrame; httpStatusCode: Integer; out Result: Boolean);
{ Private declarations }
{ Public declarations }
Form1: TForm1;
{$R *.dfm}
procedure TForm1.FormCreate(Sender: TObject);
Chromium1.Load('C:\File.html'); //carregando a página
procedure TForm1.Chromium1LoadEnd(Sender: TObject; const browser: ICefBrowser;
const frame: ICefFrame; httpStatusCode: Integer; out Result: Boolean);
if Assigned(frame) then //Se acabou o carregamento da pagina executamos isso
frame.VisitDomProc(OnExploreDOM); //chamada de evento OnExploreDOM para acharmos nosso botão
procedure OnExploreDOM(const ADocument: ICefDomDocument);
DOMNode: ICefDomNode;
// aqui tentaremos achar o elemento que você identificou com o id
DOMNode := ADocument.GetElementById('botao');
// e se acharmos o evento que queremos será anexado
if Assigned(DOMNode) then
DOMNode.AddEventListenerProc('click', True, BotaoClickEvent);
procedure BotaoClickEvent(const AEvent: ICefDomEvent);
Form2.FormOpen; //aqui você indica o form que quer abrir e
//como deseja abrir (Show, ShowModal, Open, etc.)
NOTE: It is valid to remember that you can use these small changes in your HTML to track any element of the page and of course, you can use how many Listeners
want to track interactions with various elements of the page at once.
Is this page something generated by your program or is it something random? You will only be able to detect the click on a button of a page that you control, if you control the page called just make the detection of the click on the button ( on the front and call the Delphi API on the back.
– Paz
It’s a separate page, a simple local Index.html, which would control the page?
– Lennon S. Bueno
if it is a local page, it means that you have access to its code (that’s what I meant by controlling the page), then you can implement a JS or php call from an API (Procedure or Function) of Delphi. I believe I can solve your problem by studying a little bit about: "how to detect a click and call a function" in JS, "http call of an API" in JS and how to "do a backend in Delphi".
– Paz
Got it thank you
– Lennon S. Bueno
I will answer with an example to facilitate your life friend. One minute.
– Paz