Personal I am wanting to enable a button only when the last post request via Ajax is executed successfully.
I have a table with several records with their respective information and ids
By clicking a button I make a request via post and individual Ajax of this table row.
But I have another button that runs through the entire table picking up their respective ids
and making the requests individually.
When finishing all requests is that enable or not a button to continue.
The problem is when to capture the last request of these records. I’m not getting.
My code:
function calculaMedia(aluno) {
$.when( calculaMediaFuncao(aluno, function(){}) ).then(function(ret){
console.log( "Disparei assim que as requisições se completaram" );
return true;
console.log( "Disparei se uma ou mais requisições falharam" );
return false;
function calculaMediaFuncao(aluno, callback) {
$.post( "/index.php?r=aluno%2Fnota-aluno&aluno="+aluno+"&disc="+disc+"&tipo="+tipo+"&ap="+notaAP, function( data ) {
$( "#situacaoFinal_"+aluno ).html( data );
callback( true );
}).fail(function() {
callback( false );
function calcularNotas() {
$('#tabelaAlunos > tbody > tr').each(function(key, data) {
var aluno = $(data).attr('data-aluno-id');
calculaMediaFuncao(aluno, function (res) {
if (!res) {
$("#btnGravarNotas").attr("disabled", "disabled");
Individually I call for calculaMedia(aluno)
But when you click a button you have to call all the records and only enable the button when the last request is completed and is true
Somebody help me...
You’ll get better answers if you give people code they can use to reproduce the problem.
– user60252