How do you make the menu 100% when zooming in?


Viewed 372 times


Guys what I can do to make my menu continue 100% when zooming in the browser, without I have to use position:Fixed... My menu has 100% width and a 1024px banner...(page is not responsive).

How are you:

inserir a descrição da imagem aqui

.container{width:100%; height:110px; background-color:#bc0000;}

.banner{width:1024px; height:320px; margin:auto background:url(img/banner.jpg) center;}

Thank you

  • Only with this information is difficult to analyze. You would have to ask the question more details of HTML and CSS.

  • Put in the question everything you have of CSS and HTML on your page, then it is easier to help you.

1 answer


Add the following code to your css. Probably what’s happening is that when zooming in the margins and paddings of html and body increase as well.


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